Chapter 3

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The meal was amazing! It tasted like it was a world class dinner. But what did I know. "How was your food?" I as Yoongi as I walk beside him to his car. "It could have been better." He shrugs it off like it wasn't the best meal he has eaten in his entire life. "So how much longer is it going to take to get to your place, it's late and I'm tired." I bluntly say, not in the mood for wining anymore. " 10 minutes at the most. I live in a large house, 7 rooms 7 baths." He explains. "How many guys do you live with?" I ask, hoping one of those rooms is a guest room. "Seven..." I give him a face laced with the words tired. "Where am I supposed to sleep?" My voice became some what childish from my exhausted state.
"No worries, I'll find you somewhere... hopefully." He jokes, sliding me a dorky smile. "You think your funny? So do you live in a mansion or something?" I ask, almost to tired to think. I can always find one thing I'm curious about though. "No, it's all one story... somewhat. Most of the house is underground, for our pretection." He gave me some details.
"So your business is that serious?" I ask, unnerved. "We kill, steal, and do other bad stuff for a living. Just know that the people we hunt down are ten times worse. Like the one today, he's part of the head bosses at a company called Nera. They sell computers on the outside, but they really hack all their customers. They always have a back up plan, blaming another company for the hack, while they get loads of money. We got paid to take him down, after I guess he killed our clients parents to make them keep their mouth shut." He goes futher into the interesting story.
"Why didn't you just put him in jail?" I counter, looking for a way around killing. "When people call us, we're their last resort, they have already tried all other options." He gave me a faint chuckle. "Just so you know, I'm not going to kill anyone if that's what your planning me doing." I warn him. "No, I have something better in mind." I give him a long stare, trying to sick some information out of him. "You'll find out tommorrow. Get a good night sleep, your going to need it." Yoongi did a awkward witch laugh, causing me to shiver. I didn't like the sound of that.
Woods surrounded us as we got close to his house. Little light came through the tree tops so the car's illuminate headlights were the thing giving us sight. Even though this obstacle, Yoongi drove onward, side by side trees as he goes. A large structure started to form in my vision. The house was painted a brown, making it unclear to see from far away or from the air. A dark dirt surrounded the building as a makeshift drive way. "Home sweet home..." He sighed as he exited the car. I followed him quickly around that back to an old door. He got out a large set of keys and unlocked the door, opening in for me to go in first. "Ladies first." He says quietly as I pass him ro get inside the warm house. "This is the first level. We don't keep much work stuff up here in case of intrusion so this is the living room and kitchen area." He informs, giving me a tour. The room was spacious, having a large couch and TV in the living room with a small table in the center. The kitchen was much more extravagant, all modern appliances and expensive decor. It had a massive kitchen bar, most likely used for all meals. "So your work place and bedrooms are all underground?" I ask, done with looking around the space. "Yeah, the guys are probably down there working or out on jobs." He leads me to a hidden door in a closet in the kitchen. Long stone steps lead my way to the underground. Suprisingly the room was quite bright. There was one small couch in the small room that had three hallways connected to it. "This hallway to the left goes to our bedrooms and the one half bathroom other than the ones we all have in our bedrooms. The hallway in font of us goes to mine, Namjoon's, and J-hope's offices. Teahyung, Jimin, and Jungkook's offices are the right hallway." He pointed to each hallway as he explained. "I'll go get the guys how are here to introduce them to you." He left me while I stood there awkwardly.
I was standing in front of three other boys in no time. they didn't look as scary as I thought, even though they gave me wary stares. "My name is Namjoon, I'm the boss around here. I take care of the calls, the job placement, and other duties." The tallest one began, reaching out his hand. soon after the one beside him started his introduction, "I'm J-hope, I handle the internet jobs. So I hack and ruin peoples lives." He says in a happy go lucky tone while he grabbed my hand to shake it. I looked towards the next one. He had dark brown hair and had a irritated look. J-hope had to nudge him in the side to get him to talk. He sighed, "Names Jungkook, I torture and interrogate." He says, looking away with his arms crossed. "It's nice to meet all of you. I can't help you with much of your... business, but I can cook and clean." I say with a smile, getting two smiles back in return. "I have clothes coming for you, they will be here soon. In the meantime, you can take a shower. Also, I have decided you can share Yoongi's room, I have already transferred a bed into the room for you." Namjoon informed me as the other two boys left to go back to their offices. "Show me the way..." I hum to Yoongi who was waiting bored beside me. He nodded and lead me through the left hallway, just three doors down and got out his keys. "I'll be in my office if you need anything." He said as he quickly left me in the room. My bed was distinguishable by it's light blue covers and white bedsheets. His was up against the right wall with all black bedding with white pillows. The room was bright, every aspect of it, other than the beds, white. "I can get used to this..." I say as I make my way to the other door in the corner that would lead me into his bathroom. I'll have to go by my house some time soon to get my essentials, but I'll worry about that tomorrow, my big day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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