Chapter 2

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Holly woke up covered in mud and soothed in water. She got up, but her leg failed her and she slammed back down. She struggled to get up, and slowly limp to a clean puddle. She started lapping water from it when she heard a deep voice. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Holly looked to the side and saw that same fox siting by a huge waterfall about 50 feet away. "Like you know everything, fox." She smirked and went back to drinking the water. "My name is Tyler, not fox, and I bathed in that water." Holly sput out the water and wiped her tongue over and over again. "Bleh!" She barked. Holly heard something growl, and she quickly got in attack mode. "That's your stomach, genius."
He barked out, like he knew everything. Holly looked at her stomach and it growled again. "How do I make it stop!" She barked. He seemed to be staying a certain distance away from her, like he was observing her. "You eat." Tyler simple said. "I'm just a pup, I can't hunt." She complained. For the first time she heard Tyler laugh. "I'm serious." She said stubbornly. Tyler recovered from laughing and said, "Your not a pup. Your a full grown fox. Well, almost full grown." Holly angrily stomped off, and tried to copy Hawk. She saw a squirrel in a tree and stalked under its branch. She wagged her tail and jumped, then quickly fell back on her tail. Tyler started cackling again. "Well if your so smart then you hunt something." She barked. He would never be able to do it, your not supposed to learn till your a clear adult. And that's in like 2 years! "Okay," he replied. He got up and sniffed the air. The expression on his face showed that he found something, and he got down in a crouch. He slowly stalked something, then pounced into the long grass. "Pssh, like he actually got something," she mumbled. Tyler peeked out and started trotting, a mole in his mouth. "Wha, how, what?" She stuttered. He dropped it at her feet. "On the house." He said, clearly smirking. Holly let her hunger take over and started eating it like a monster. "Daddy's girl" he mumble, and she pretended not to hear that. "How... Did you learn so early?... My dad won't teach me... Yet... He said it... Wasn't allowed." She barked through bites. Tyler trotted back with a squirrel in his mouth, and set it down beside her. "I don't really wanna talk about." He said, and started eating. "Come on! It can't be that bad." She urged. "I said I don't wanna talk about it! It's none of your business and I'm never gonna tell you!" He yelled. She's never heard anyone yell like that before, although she was a "daddy's girl", and she got scared. He looked over and sighed, putting his paw on hers. "I'm sorry, it's just that, I was self taught because I'm a loner. My parents died when I was at a very young age." He whispered, clearly chocking back tears. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..." She said. "It's okay. Let's just, not talk about it again. Now, let's go." He barked and started trotting upriver. "Go where." She said. "Back to your home? It should be only like... 200 barks (miles) away at the least. So that would be 1 moon (month) of walking on foot. Plus that big hill, so more like 2." "You want me, to climb up that?!" She barked. There were three mountains in a row, and each was about 100 feet taller than the other. "Yep," he barked. "Let's go!"

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