Chapter 47

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The next morning was a Saturday. I loved Saturdays. No school. No homework. No worries. Just me and relaxation. The first night at our house was weird but Im gonna get used to this. I got out of bed and started adjusting things in the room.

"What are you doing?"

I turned around and saw Harry wide awake.


"I thought I did a good job."

"You did. But I like things differently."

I went into the closet and saw a box on the high shelf. I grabbed it and observed it.

"Whats this?"

He gets up and takes it away from me.


"Harry, whats in it?"

"Nothing at all."

I stood there with my arms crossed until he gave me it.

"It was for you. It was another Stanford present."

"Take it back."

"You havent even opened it."

"I know but whatever it is, I know you spent a lot of money on it so take it back."

"No. Just leave it in the box."

I decided against opening it and put it back where I found it.

"Wow. You take orders now."

I rolled my eyes and went back to tydying.

"Where are my sweatpants?"


He took a remote out and pressed a button. A whole closet came out with all of my sweatpants. Color cordinated and from softness to roughest.

"Ok. This is way too fancy. Im living in a robot."

"I made it easier for you since youre so lazy."

"I am not lazy... Anymore."

"Whatever you say... Im going to drop off some papers at the studio. Dont go anywhere."

"Where would I go? I have to discover this robot."

He laughed and made his way downstairs. Thats when Haite jumped onto the bed and into my lap.

"Morning Haite."


"I wish I knew what you were saying. Lets eat."

I carried her downstairs to the kitchen. There was two dining tables. I dont get this house.

"Good Morning Ms Toniette. I am Ted youre chef."

"Call me Kaite and I have a chef?"

"Yes indeed."

"Cant I eat some chicken nuggets from McDonalds?"

"If thats what you want, sure. We also have a selection for Haite."

"I dont really need a chef. Harry went way out on this."

"Thats ok. Youre still getting used to this. So how are you two?"

"We're fine. How about you?"

"Well... Me and some others work here so what do you think?"

"You dont have to if you dont want to."

"Youre so sweet."

"Thank you."

"So what have you planned for Harry's birthday?"

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now