Chapter 35

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This is it. One more step and then Im in Stanford. I was standing in front of the door. I cant believe it. Harry was right next to me holding all of my bags. Its about time he uses his big hands and muscles to work. I stepped in and started looking for my dorm room.

"Are you sure about this? This school is pretty big."

"And your arenas arent?"

He doesnt say anything else. I have felt confident lately but I dont know why. When I finally found my room, I turned the knob and there was Jason. Hes my room-mate? Thats new.

"Hey Kaite."

"Hi Jason. So theyre doing boy/girl dorms now?"


"Ok then."

I turn around seeing a mad Harry. I walked over to him and pushed him outside.

"Hes in your dorm? Did you know about this?"

"No. I thought it was girl/girl dorm but I did know he was going to Stanford."

"And you didnt tell me?"

"I didnt think I needed to."

"You cant stay in that dorm."

"Why not? Hes my best friend."

"I thought Louis and Savannah and Chloe were your best friends."

"They are but we have history. Why are you so worked up on this?"

"Because youre spending two years here with him."

"Harry. We're engaged. I love you. Not him."

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I love you too.... But if he lays a hand on--"

"Bye Harry."

"I love you."

"I know."

He gave me a kiss and then left. I opened the door and went back in.

"Sorry about Harry."

"Its ok. Im glad Im sharing a dorm with you."

"Me too."

"Thats a nice ring. Whats it for?"

Should I tell him? Yes. Tell him. Hes always been there for you. No. Dont tell him. Hes going to be mad at how young you are. Tell him. Dont tell him. Tell him! Dont!

"Um... Its an engagement ring."

His eyes widen and he doesnt move.

"T-To Harry?"


"Kaite, you just started college and youre engaged?"

"I know Im young. I said no to him first because of that but Harry loves me and he has been there for me."

"So am I but I didnt ask you to marry me."

"Well you havent known everything. I was held at gun point."

"What?! When?!"

"About 2-3 weeks ago."

"Oh my god, are you ok?"

"Yeah. Luckily Harry was there."

"Why didnt you tell me?"

"Its been complicated with everything."

"I understand. And here."

He handed me a pink box and it had glitter all over it. It said "Happy Birthday Kaite!"

Truly Madly Deeply in Love // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now