Chapter 11

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I want to dedicate this chapter to mrslovewriter, you've been really active and also Im liking a lot your story :) thank you for the sweet comments/message!

I seriously was freaked out. I called him again like 300 times, but I had no reply. I texted him too.

To: Jai <3

-Jai, what's going on please tell me


-Are you ok?

-Are you like doing drugs?

-I know you're not

-Jai Damn Jai brooks answer the phone what's your problem.


-Damn it Jai

-Forget it. you're mad it's fine it's your problem I don't care.

After I tried that, I checked twitter to see if I could find something. There was, the thing .

@ArianaGrande excited to record tomorrow with you love <3

And guess who retweet it. Got it right, Jai did. He was mad because of nathan? I don't get it, he is being such a jealous one and I don't like that. So I tweeted something and see if he got it.

You're the only one that have my heart. No one else does, jealousy will do nothing if you're the only one ♡

I replied to nathan too because it was really mean not to do it.

@NathanTheWanted I'm excited too see you there!

And yes, Jai did saw it, and replied to me.

@ArianaGrande I love you

Finally, I felt so good knowing he actually got it. My phone ranged, it was him. Not Jai. Yes Nathan.

"Hey Ariana" His accent sounded so good on him.

"Hey nathan" I replied, with sweetness on my voice.

"Can I give something to you right now?" Oh god what does he wants.

"Yes, why? And where?" I tried not to sound so excited.

"I want to, open the door". I was so shocked, he ended the call.

I went to open the door to get to see nathan with a little box in his hands.

"Hey" I said awkwardly.

"Hey Ariana, I know we met like hours ago but I wanted to give you this to let you know that you are always in my heart, no matter what you do" I blushed a little and ran to him to hug him. He handed me the little box, I opened it and it was the most beautiful necklace and next to it a gorgeous bracelet. The necklace had beautiful little pink diamonds and a transparent heart. The bracelet had the same diamonds with little hearts in it. They were so beautiful, I was speechless.

"Do you like them?" he asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes off curse they are so gorgeous. thank you nathan" I hugged him again.

"I'm glad you like them, I'm gonna go, but see you tomorrow" he kissed my check and left.

I went to my house. I put them on my room, and I couldn't help but smile like a fool. At that time, someone knocked my door. Jai.

"Movie time?" he had popcorn and candy and movies.

"Yes please." I let him in.

We cuddle for the next hours and fell asleep, I didn't even notices when Cynthia or mom arrived.


The next day, my alarm woke us up. i had to go to the studio.

"Morning beautiful" he kissed my forehead and then my lips.

"Morning" I kissed him again. "I going to start again the music routine. I'm going to go to the studio today, come with me?" I said, getting up.

"Yes sure I'm gonna go to get ready and ill be here so soon" I said and leaving immediately.

I took a shower and put white dress with pink flowers on it. pink heels and my new necklace and bracelet. I did my hair as usual and put some perfume on and I was ready. Jai came to my house and we made our way to the studio. When we arrived, there was scooter and oh damn, nathan. I forgot he was there. He started looking at me with a smile. We made our way to them

"Hey Ariana, nice necklace and bracelet too" nathan said and then have me a 'youknowwhy' look. Jai looked at me and gave me a disappointed look shaking his head saying 'no'. Oh no.


Hi Guys :)
Hope you like it :)

Next one is going to be....... interesting..

Haha I love you guys :)
Follow my twitter @thebuteralove


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