Chapter 12

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"Who is this?' nathan said. With an angry look.

"It's my boyfriend, Jai. Jai, Nathan Sykes from the wanted." he nodded his head.

"Boyfriend out." Jai said walking away, I could feel the tension in the air.

"No Jai." I stopped him.

"You can't write with me here, ill pick you up later Ariana bye" he just walked away. Nathan hugged me and we both walked to the place where we were going to write.

"So what to write about?" he asked, grabbing a paper and a pencil.

"Broken heart" he looked at me and nodded his head. He took the pencil and started chewing it.

"Okay.... so title?" he was so uncomfortable, I could see it in his expression.

"Never enough" I thought that sounded great.

"What about Almost is never enough?" when he said that, I felt tears coming out.

"Yeah that's fine." I was actually crying and he started coming closer to me and hugged me. I let myself cry a lot on him. He started whispering "Try to deny it as much as you want but in time our feelings will show.." I looked at him and smiled.


"That's a great thing, write it" We started writing and we almost have it complete when my phone ranged.

"Hey Ariana" it was Jai and he sounded like he had been crying, a lot.

"Hey Jai" I looked at Nathan who had stopped smiling when I said Jai's name.

"I need to break up with you sorry" I couldn't and ended the call and started crying loosing control of myself I couldn't stop. Nathan helped me as much as he could. He took me home and buy about 3 types of flowers and stay with me for 30 minutes and left, I was sleeping when I received a call from Cynthia saying she was in beau's house. I didn't noticed but I was crying a lot. I want to twitter to get the notice Jai has unfollowed me, I unfollowed him and tried to sleep, but was so hard I couldn't, he was the love of my life and he wasn't for me again. I logged on twitter again and in the search bar 'Jai and Ariana' and the tweets were like,

'I can't believe Jai and Ariana Broke up, killing myself bye'

'Jai and Ariana>>>>>>'

'What am I gonna do now that Jai and Ariana.... oh god bye'

I couldn't help but cry till there was no more water in my eyes. I put on the search bar, 'JaiBrooks1' I tapped on his profile and saw a tweet, the tweet.


We almost knew what love was.

I favorited it, and I could help to take it a screenshot, I scrolled down to see the comments.


'They broke up '

'Sad life'

'Nooo jye why'

There was a tweet from Luke

'Stop crying, move on'

Then there was other from Luke saying

'Never seen someone so down and destroyed'

That means that someone is Jai. I favorited the tweet and locked my phone, saddest day ever.


Hi tweeps.

SOOOOO what do you think?

Jai and Ari are back

I am so happy good i didn't cancelled this!



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