D A Y 7 3

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I believe I said I would stop Yato's chapters after they meet but I personally love writing them. Therefore I will continue them.

Update: my family is doing much better. My church is providing us with food, my aunt takes us to the food bank, and we keep finding cards everywhere with money on them. I am so extremely blessed. Thank you all for the prayers once again, it makes me so happy c:

D A Y 7 3

Even though its been 73 days without [Y/N], the truth had only really set in. You were gone forever. The days leading up to now were filled with hope that maybe your death wasn't true.

If only he could join you.

That thought slips through his head and his eyes widen in shock.

"What am I even thinking?" Yato chuckles sadly at himself before looking out at the sunset stained sky. "Even if I did die, I would be unworthy to go with [Y/N]. I've killed too many people."

His heart wrenches at the thought of it. Plus, the only way for him to die would be to kill him. But that wouldn't happen, especially because of Yukine.

Yukine is the only reason why he hasn't gone overboard. He constantly puts Yato in his place and makes him take jobs, regardless of how he is feeling.

"Yato! We have a job!" He hears the young Regalia call to him. Sighing softly, Yato jumps from the roof with catlike agility.

Fragmented Memories [Yato x Reader] Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now