How to Annoy Siblings

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If you try these you could get in trouble. But just to say I'm not making you so do at your own risk.

1.) When they say something, repeat everything they say.

2.) Take their toys and hide then ?when they're not looking.

3.) Go up to them and hold your finger next to them with out touching them, and say "I'm not touching you." Over and over again.

4.) Ignore everything they say.

5.) Change the chanel when they're watching t.v.

6.) Sit infront of them while they're watching t.v.

7.) Poke them over and over.

8.) Keep turning the t.v. off and when they turn it back on, turn it back off.

9.) When they're with their friends, say something like "(Y/N) you left your underwear in the bathroom." (Works better if its your sister).

10.) Just keep staring at them.

11.) Play a song they don't like over and over.

12.) Call them, then just say "hi" over and over.

13.) Make fun of their favorite band.

14.) Wake then up in the middle of the night.
I'll try to update soon.!!!(: byeee.!!(:

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