26 make-up

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Mingyu texted Wonwoo that night. He wanted to tell how he felt about the conversation he had with Seungkwan and how he acted. Mingyu thought that Wonwoo was acting weird, but then again, Wonwoo was like this last year.

Mingyu: Hey...

Wonwoo: Hm?

Mingyu: It was nice

Mingyu: The froyo place

Wonwoo: ..Yeet

Wonwoo: What's up?

Mingyu: Um... The conversation you had with Seungkwan....

Mingyu: I was kind of hurt by the way you acted...

Wonwoo: ???

Mingyu: Like I held onto your arm but you just rejected me by placing my hand back on my lap...

Wonwoo: That's all?

Mingyu: And I was hurt by the comments Seungkwan made about me

Mingyu: I don't like the way he sassed me.

Mingyu: To make matters worst, you guys didn't apologize!

Seen 5 minutes ago


The next morning Mingyu got up with a headache and puffy eyes. "Oh," he thought, "it was one of those nights again"

He cleansed his face and brushed his teeth before picking up his phone to find better ways to un-puff those eyes. Instead he opened up to the chat Wonwoo had with him last night.

Wonwoo: So what do you want me to say?

There was a hour difference before the next two messages.

Wonwoo: I mean it's not my fault that you are so soft and sensitive

Wonwoo: You do know we are joking right?

plob! A new message appeared.

Wonwoo: I don't think I should apologize... I see no reason

Mingyu threw his phone onto the couch before walking around it. It was a weird way to destress but it works for him.

After a good 10 minutes, he picked up the phone and began to type.

Mingyu: Sorry then. I was just over thinking....

Mingyu: I found this new burger place and I was wondering if you want to go with me. (I will pay since I want to show my sincere)

Wonwoo: Okay. See you at your place in a hour!


Wonwoo showed up Mingyu's place in a hour and they walk to the new burger place. The walk was silent and the 2 didn't stare into each other like they usually would. They had came across a Minghao who sensed that something was wrong, but he didn't ask them about it. The two continue their journey and reached the burger place.

The boys ordered cola and waited for their order. Mingyu got some burger sliders and Wonwoo ordered the home burger, basically the store's special burger. During the wait of 25 minutes, the two would play on their phone and occasionally sip their drinks.

After the wait, the waiter came with Wonwoo's food making Wonwoo's eyes twinkle, which has caused Mingyu to smile. Mingyu forgot about what happened on the bus because he was admiring Wonwoo's beautiful smile.

Wonwoo took a bite onto the burger and the twinkle in his eyes disappear.

"The burgers taste like it has been sitting their for 45 hours and the tomatoes are not fresh. The pickles are probably expired and I seriously don't like it" Wonwoo put the burger down and shove it to Mingyu.

When Mingyu's order came, Mingyu suggest that Wonwoo should try the sliders; "it could be different" Mingyu thought. Turns out it was slightly better and since Wonwoo don't want to waste the food and money, he ate Mingyu's burger and Mingyu ate Wonwoo's burger.

"Let's just go. I don't think I could stand it in here" Wonwoo said and called the waiter to bring the bill. Mingyu nodded and paid for the meal.

The boys head back home without a word to each other.

A/N: i swear this is going downhill

I took it to the top and straight down like a gyro drop. ;))

This is getting angsty (sorry guys! It doesn't have much plot and I don't have much to play with in the story so ya)

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