36 confess

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"I'm sorry" Mingyu apologized, getting ready to leave.

"For what?" Wonwoo asked him, trying to stop the crying boy from leaving.

Mingyu stopped and looked into his eyes. He looked at Wonwoo's hands, which were holding his arms then back at his face. It's now or never

"Sorry for this whole thing. I just broke down and-" Mingyu started to explain not knowing where it was going until WonWoo shushed him with a hug.

Wonwoo patted the taller boy's head while holding onto the embrace. "I forgive you" WonWoo whispered.

They pull apart and Wonwoo contined, "It's not my fault that bad things happen. We just need to learn how to deal with it" Wonwoo stopped in between to caress his cheeks. "Hey, at least you have me" Wonwoo smiled, causing Mingyu to frown.

"But" Mingyu started. He has to get this out of his system.

"Yes we can still get drunk" laughed WonWoo.

Mingyu thought that the drunk him will tell Wonwoo everything.

After 6 cans of beer and pages of dank memes, the two were drunk. It was already late and Wonwoo told Mingyu to stay the night.

"Hey let's play truth or dare!" Mingyu suggested.

"But we only have each other" Wonwoo frowned.

"When was the last time we played it? When we were in that froyo shop where Jeonghan used to work. That was hella long ago" Mingyu answered his own questions. Mingyu dragged Wonwoo to sit at the empty floor in the middle of his apartment.

"Truth or Dare?" Mingyu giggled.

"I never agreed to this!" Wonwoo got up to strech.

Mingyu pulled him back down, "Dare! Okay!"

After Wonwoo was seated Mingyu revealed the dare, "I dare you to drink another can of beer!"

Wonwoo groaned which Mingyu giggled at. Wonwoo CHUCKed down the beer within 10 seconds.

"Truth or dare Mingyu?" Wonwoo, who was standing in front of Mingyu, raised his eyebrows at the boy who was laying on the floor.

"TRUTH!!" Mingyu shouted, all giddy inside. He had forgotten about his breakups and the other bad memories.

"Hm," Wonwoo thought of a truth to ask the boy,"If you had a chance to kiss a boy, would you do it and like, why"

Mingyu laughed at the question, "It depends if the guy is hot. If he is hot then yeah."

"What do you mean by hot" Wonwoo asked, mentally slapping himself.

"I don't know. Maybe someone who is a Jeon WonWoo." Mingyu shrugged. The comment made Wonwoo blushed.

"Kim Mingyu, do you like me?" Wonwoo laughed.

"Maybeeeeeee" The boy replied with a childish grin.

Wonwoo mirrored the boy's grin, "You're so cute when you're like this"

"HmmmMMmmMmmMm" Mingyu got up and went into Wonwoo's bedroom.

"YAHHHHH where are you going?" Wonwoo chased after him

"TO sleeeeeep" Mingyu said while Wonwoo tagged along.

The kids spend the rest of the night at Wonwoo's apartment.






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