Ouranos Temple

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Chapter 12

Percy POV

I woke up in the throne room. When I looked around I saw a throne with someone in it and I think Zoe. I thought wait Zoe I must be in the sky. Then, I thought so the dud in the throne must be Ouranos primordial of the sky. So I bowed and he just started to laugh. I was slowly remembering what happened before I died. I started to remember what happened right before I died. I had a looked of horror on my face when I remember when I kissed Artemis.

Zoe said, "Why are you making that face?"

I replied, "I may or may not have kissed Artemis and told her I loved her and she felt the same way."

Zoe had a look of horror on her face and the n said, "I don't believe you."

I said, "I don't care if you believe me it is true then I walked into my room."

Zoe came in a little bit later and said, "I don't sense a lie from you but I don't believe you."

Then, she said, "Ouranos made you a little pond so you can see the hunters."

Then, Ouranos walked in and said, "You will be able to see the hunters again but you will have to train for four months."

I said, "Okay let's get started,' and they started to laugh at me. We will teach you how to shot a bow, be better at swords, how to use a spear, and be better at knifes.

Percy Jackson Betrayed (Pertemis)Where stories live. Discover now