Chapter Eight

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Harry was sitting in bed when Draco stumbled in late from a meeting that had turned into after-work drinks.

"Ah, don't get het up. I didn't drink that much, yeah? We had a couple of American ambassadors and they wanted us to help them celebrate their Thanksgiving away from home. And I kept the flirting to a minimum." Draco shuffled over to his bureau and began removing his cufflinks and tie....wait. Where had he taken off his tie?

"Draco, are you drunk or just tipsy?" Harry asked, his eyes narrowed.

"I resent the very idea that you think I can't hold my liquor." Draco raised an eyebrow at his husband and then grinned stupidly. "You're wearing those green pyjamas I got you."

"Yeah." Harry seemed to blush. "Um, they're really soft."

"Mmm hmmm." Throwing his shirt on the floor, Draco began working on his trousers.

"Draco, did you hear what I said?"

"Yeah, yeah, soft." The trousers fell with a clank. He hadn't removed the belt. Ah well. Draco pulled at his socks, though he had to lean against the bureau to do so.

"Draco... Um, I have to tell you something. I, uh, I think I made a mistake somewhere."

"Oh? Well, it'll get sorted, yeah? No worries." Draco gave his husband a smile he hoped was reassuring and not just silly, which he thought it might be.

"No. I really don't think so. You see, I was in one of the shops in Marjin Alley. A toy shop. Maia and I were looking at toys. There were a lot of stuffed animals. I took some."

"I'm sure Maia loved them," Draco murmured as he tossed his socks down and wandered to his closet.

"No, no. You see, Maia didn't know I had them and I just took them. Without paying for them."

Draco opened the closet and pulled out his robe. He was a bit peckish and considered wandering down to the kitchen. "You want anything to eat, love? I'm thinking I'll get a sandwich."

"Draco, did you hear me? I stole the animals!"

His husband's raised voice finally had Draco turning around to look at him. "What?"

"I... I stole them. I slipped them into my pockets and walked out with them. I didn't even realize it until we got home and... and I put them in the front closet, the big one. I put those animals on a small pile of jackets and ...and these pyjamas." Harry's hands were clenched tight on the bedcovers. Draco focused on them and tried to get a handle on what Harry was saying.

"So... you stole some toys and hid them in a closet."

"Draco! Would you listen to what I am trying to tell you?!" Harry took a deep breath and his voice softened until Draco could just make out what he was saying. "I think... I think I might be... in the family way."

Draco was grateful for how fast he sobered up in the next few moments. Just to be sure, he cast a detoxification charm on himself. The world became crisp all around him. No more happy fuzziness. He looked at Harry, who was staring at him with huge eyes behind his spectacles. He cleared his throat and felt like he was moving through a curse field. "You think you might be..."

"Yeah." Harry nodded and then waited for Draco's next move.

"I thought you had taken the contraceptive potion?" Draco asked carefully.

"I did. Sev handed it to me himself!"

"All right, then perhaps you're mistaken and instead have just developed kleptomania. Not so bad..."

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