Chapter Nine

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Author's Note: I promise you that all questions will be answered and yes, there is a reason we are counting down. It may seem like we are skimming over years and only hitting on certain events, but that is, in fact, what we are doing. There is a reason for this. These scenes are pertinent to the story that is coming and some were pertinent to the previous stories. Promise. Also, I wanted to bring a bit of levity to this last fic in the Indago world. But this is not all fun and games. Would I write you an Indago tale without angst?? I should hardly think so. Just trust me as the author and I will respect you as the reader and will do everything in my power to give you an enjoyable read.

Nine years ago...

Harry smiled as he heard the giggling while he climbed the stairs. It was a very welcome homecoming. Having spent three hours listening to a lecture on the care and breeding of the newly discovered Malententious Snake, which had turned out to be mostly guesswork on the part of the discoverer, followed by a horribly uncomfortable luncheon that included British attendees making sure to speak to him and asking for his autograph on their programs, Harry was ready for a nice quiet evening at home. Perhaps he could con Draco into giving him a back rub.

"No, Father! Louder!" He heard Maia demand as he came to the second floor landing. "It's not at all like the ones at the Reserve. They won't think they are really there if you're not louder."

Smiling in confusion, Harry crept up to the twins' open bedroom door. He nearly burst out laughing at the sight that greeted him.

The two-year old twins were standing in their cribs, clapping and giggling as they watched the goings on. Maia was standing self-importantly nearby, a clipboard in her hand, and dressed in khaki coloured clothing. But the most astonishing sight was one Draco Malfoy, hair in complete chaos, wrapped in an old purple cloak from who knew where and roaring loudly as directed. He stomped about and flapped the cloak like a set of wings.

"This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the Amph... Amphithere Dragon," Maia began reciting in a precise manner. "It is from South America and has very beautiful feathers. It eats llamas and buffalo and... um, orange monkeys."

On cue, the 'dragon' swept down and 'attacked' a stuffed orange orangutan that had been lying unaware on the floor. The monkey fought for its life, but the dragon won. The monkey 'disappeared' down its gullet. The audience was awed by this and began jumping up and down in their cribs, squealing in delight.

"Oh. Hi, Dad. Do you want to come to our Dragon Reserve?"

A rapid flurry of purple cloth and the orange monkey, having miraculously survived its horrific battle before being thrown across the room, greeted Maia's words. Smiling knowingly, Harry watched Draco try to quickly regain his human composure, pretending that he hadn't just had it out with a stuffed toy.

"You're back early," Draco commented in a roar-roughened voice. Clearing his throat, he dropped the cloak and walked toward Harry.

"Father! We still have two more dragons!"

"Not now, Maia." Draco moved past his irritated daughter and straightened his clothes.

"I decided to skip the late afternoon speaker and the dinner," Harry explained with a smirk. Nodding at the cloak and monkey, he added, "Having fun were you, Lord Malfoy?"

"Father? You're a lord?" Maia asked as she dragged the cloak towards a large teddy bear in the corner. "Did you get to see a queen?"

"I was teasing, Maia," Harry answered while smiling up at his husband. "Your father just thinks he's a lord."

"Maia required my assistance in a project that would entertain her brothers," Draco said in a superior voice. "Since I will do anything in my power to support my family, I acquiesced, of course."

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