Chapter 1

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My life has been nothing tragedy since i was created. I am a demon that does not have parents or real siblings all fake.... my friends i can't truly trust if i did they die. My name is Akane i the creation from a man named Jason and this is my story my death and my horrible tragedies.

"I forgotten the name the first human i loved i think it was John?"

"Akane i thought you said it was Anthony" said Ares

Ares is my best friend name after the God of Bloody wars

"No i heard it was Jack!" Said Katie

A human girl who bothers me with her love fantasies of Shiro

"Well who cares!" said Jeff the killer (Jeff for short or my favorite lazy ass)

Jeff is a demon guy i met a while ago and won't let go of me

"So Akane, tell everyone, especially Jeff, who you are dating now!" said Zeref (useless for our nickname)

Zeref is my cousin or brother anyway i'm related to him in some weird way.


"Please do tell....." Said my creeper friends Liz and Neko

Those 2 are my friends who know i'm not human but they are and they aren't afraid of me

"Aww but we wanna know too!!!" Said all women in this tiny ass apartment

"Fine it's me, Neko's, and Lizzes friend.... Tensa"

"OMGREEEEEEEEEE REALLY HIM NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Said everyone in unison

"Hey guess what Akane" said Katie


"There's a handsome murder right behind u" Katie said

"WHAT?!!!" *Turns around to see Tensa

"Hey...... well this is awkward" said Tensa

"Yep so you're now a murder" I laughed

"NO i won't be a Jeff" Tensa said

"Good i don't need another Jeff in my life" I sighed

"Yay so you like me for who i am Akane" Jeff interrupted my conversation

" IN YOUR DREAMS ASSHOLE *Smashes jeffs face into the ground then steps on his face*" I screamed stepping on his face

"Poor jeffy boo need a bandaid?" Liz and Neko jokes

"God u guys hate him" Tensa says

"So anyway why are you here Tensa or are u just coming here to have some fun like every person here in my tiny ass apartment?" I asked

"Did you forget me and u were going on a date?" Tensa said confused

"OH MY GREEEEEEE I TOTALLY FORGOT * Gets off jeff and starts running like a maniac*" I yelled running around the house getting ready to leave

"So why is everyone else here?" Tensa asks

"Shes feeding me!!!!" Shiro randomly walks in

"SHIRO BABY!!!" Katie and Neko says



"CAT FIGHT!!" Jeff yells

"ASSHOLE U LAZY ASS BASTARD" Both Neko and KAtie yells

"Did i come in at a weird time?" Lelouch walks in

"OK HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE STAYING AT MY TINY ASS APARTMENT?!" I screamed while getting dressed up stairs

"Well i came here cause i heard a party" Lelouch says

"Lovely..." Liz whispers

"Akane you ready?" Tensa asks

"Hold on can't find my shoes " I said running downstairs looking everywhere for my shoes

"Arnt they right here next the doors?" Tensa said pointing at them

"Fucking me!!!" I yelled

"So let's go!!" Tensa said happily

"Fine mom be back in a while all of you and if u destroy my tiny ass apartment u all will play listen to jeff complain game!" I yelled throwing on my shoes and opening the door

"Scary..." everyone in my apartment says 

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