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❝I fell in love with the way you fell asleep: slowly and then all at once.❞


ALTHOUGH, a dinner at his home had been the original plan, he couldn't resist but take her out to his favorite restaurant when they passed it on the way home. Kara had reluctantly agreed when she realized the man wouldn't take no for an answer, pulling into the parking lot and she didn't regret it; considering that it wasn't as bad nor awkward as she had anticipated. It had proven to be the exact stress reliever she had been searching for since her previous outing.

        Now the pair were residing in the comfort of Lex's spacious home, with her leaning against a table in his father's office while he explained the idea of keeping everything the same as his father did, a slight hostile tone taking place when he spoke of his deceased parent. Her colorful doe eyes seemed glued to him as she watched him become immersed in his topic of choice, watching the way each word he spoke held its own personal facial expression while his hands danced in different motions in the air donning a sense of emphasis to each chosen word.

        "Come, come." Lex extended a hand out to her seated figure which she hesitantly took. Her hand engulfed in his cold one while he led her to the opposite side of the large room, stopping in front of a painting with demon like figures escaping through the ground and glancing up at it with contemplation which Kara quickly mimicked. "Tell me, Kara, do you see the obvious fault in this painting?"

        Kara's dark brows etched in obvious confusion, not spotting any visible mistake on the professionally done portrait hanging above them. Looking up at his glee filled face, she honestly shook her head at him, landing a chestnut loose curl on the side of her face. Before her hand could come up to brush it out of her way, he beat her to it. His skin brushed against hers as he softly pushed the strand of hair back, his fingers curling onto the outlines of her jaw and pulling her forward.

"The fact that it should be upside down but we know better now, don't we?" His minty breath tickled against her face, a short chuckle leaving his lips as he shook his head at what he deemed the artist's blatant mistake in the painting."Devils don't come from hell beneath us. No, they come from the sky." He finished, a blow being thrown at the inhuman god like figure that loomed over Metropolis once again.

Kara's hand found its way on top of his, her thumb gently brushing up against his knuckles in an almost comforting manner. "Superman isn't our enemy, Lex." She sternly reprimanded him while keeping her tone soft, for the millionth time it seemed; though, just like the other times, it seemed to go in through one ear and out the other.

His jaw visibly clenched as he tried to hide his anger from, not comfortable with sharing his emotions with her just yet, shooting her a disapproving look for her lack of suspicions towards the alien. "A man with that much power cannot be trusted, Kara. Who knows how long we'll be safe before another alien comes down here to search for him, destroying any of us as collateral damage just to strike a nerve with him. Do you really want to be a part of a society that is forced to live in fear because of man that claims the title of a god?"

"I don't think we live in that society, Lex." Kara brought her hand down in defeat, sighing in disappointment at his unrelenting stubbornness. "Do you?" She turned the question on him, shooting him a look as she tried calming her own nerves; knowing the dangers of her anger if it came to it. With their growing connection in the past weeks, not harming him had been a priority that she instilled in her brain.

"Not yet." He bluntly remarked, quickly letting go of her face before pointing an accusing finger at her. "But when that time comes, how much more comforting will it be to know that we have a weapon built against these meta humans?" His expression failed to falter even when the realization that he used that word with her hit her, lacking the comforting actions that were supposed to come when he noticed that her face fell.

Going for the bigger person persona, Kara sucked up her pride and didn't allow him the satisfaction of a reaction. "I disagree, Lex." She forced her lips into a thin smile. "But who am I to tell you what to do, right?"

Noticing the thick tension filling the room now, drastically different from the previous fun atmosphere they inhabited, Lex nodded and headed towards the office's door. "Will you be staying the night, Kara?" He asked over his shoulder, pausing with his hand laying on the doorknob and attempting to rid himself of the negative emotions.

        Despite the fact that he'd love to anger the shorter girl and force her into using her powers for his own entertainment, he knew it wouldn't be the right time with his lack of protection so opting for a safer route seemed better for now.

        There was pause in the conversation as Kara nervously shuffled, her emotions inside of her calming as the tension died down. "Would you like me to?" She asked the lonely man, noting the late hour and the lack of her own form of transportation; the kindness in her heart would feel guilty making him drive at such a late hour but her own set of lonely feelings wouldn't mind spending the night anywhere but her home.

        "I wouldn't mind the extra company. Though, I'm sure you'd love a change of clothes." His usual cheery tone was back as he led her out of the office and up the flight of stairs to his room. Kara followed in suit behind him, holding her dark heels in one hand while the other gripped onto the railing with each step up she took. "I'm sure this will fit you just fine."

He held out a neatly folded button up, a far more casual and cozier one than the one he was wearing. Nodding, a thank you exchanged between the two, she headed towards the bathroom in his bedroom and changed into the comfy change of clothes, the door left slightly ajar.

"I wasn't sure if you'd like to sleep on the bed or-" Lex entered his restroom, sure that she was done by now, with spare blankets cradled in his arms. He was off by a second with her just needing to button up the shirt to hide her undergarments from her which now remained exposed to him. His lips remained agape as he tried to refrain from glancing down at her body, like a child caught in the act of a bad deed. Apologies began spewing out of him before she took a step towards him and brought his face closer to hers, much like earlier but this time, she closed the distance between their pairs of lips.

Her nails slightly grazed the skin on his face as she stood on her tippy toes, the lack of heels making their height difference more evident between them. Lex shut his eyes after the action finally registered in his mind, her lips feeling soft against his, making him severely yearn for the physical connection when she parted from him.

"I can't offer you anything serious or stable, Kara." He breathed, sincerity actually filling him for the short while that he looked down at her; her facial features illuminated by the bathroom lightning for him as he looked at the only person that had made an attempt at that in a while, a long one. Lack of love or someone caring for him had always been an ongoing problem for Lex and now that he had a chance for it, he couldn't help but grow confused and attempt to push her away as best as he could; with the truth.

Too bad for him, he wasn't the only hard headed one in the room.

"I know." Kara reattached her lips to his after a silent agreement was passed between the two, finding solace in the romantic action, as did he. Setting down the blankets, he allowed himself to indulge in close human interaction, curious as to how it'd feel to let himself feel for once.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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