When to Check Your Blood Sugar

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A lot of people ask me how often should I check my blood sugar. They say you should check your blood sugar 4-6 times a day but I don't see how it can hurt you to check more. Just don't check less. You should always check your blood sugar before getting insulin. Right before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Or really any time you eat something you need insulin for, you should check your sugar. There are only certain time intervals you should eat but I will get into more detail later. You should always check your blood sugar before bed. If you feel light headed, often thirsty, often hungry, shaky, nauseous, have a headache, or are tired, check your sugar. Those are the symptoms of high or low blood sugar. If you are sick, have more than two low blood sugars in the day, or have recently been diagnosed with type one diabetes, you should check your blood sugar at 2:00am. That is just about it for when to check your blood sugar but you can expect more on checking blood sugar later.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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