#6. Crimson, Eleven, Delight, Petrichor

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I am proud of very few things in my life.

My very best memories are tainted by doubt, insecurity.

What if’s and should’ve’s.

But one thing I am proud of, truly and unabashedly, is that

I loved you so fully and richly.

Oh, you never knew.

Oh, it was an exercise for my heart and you were just an object.

A boulder to roll up the mountain.

I never did reach the top, to see if you’d been climbing the other side.

We’ll never really know, “What if I pushed harder?”

I know I should’ve never tried.

But that’s not the point, what I’m trying to say is that

I can fit any word into my love for you.

Pull out Webster, try me.


How I felt when trying to talk to you, stumbling over my stupid tongue in my stupid head.


The number of minutes I could go without thinking of you, last August.


The blood singing through me when I thought we could be friends, we were friends.


The smell of dust after rain.

Nights spent crying over you, over me, my failures, how I fucked it all up.

Dust after rain.

The last night I cry about you, I'll cry so hard the dust washed away.

I’m just me now.

I’m clean again. I’m new. You are gone, yet the memories linger.


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