Chapter 1: Playmaker

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"This is it."

Despite its brief duration, the plane ride was pretty cumbersome, but their excitement compensated for the discomfort. They were on their way to South Bend, Indiana, being afforded with the opportunity to play in the NCAA tournament after winning their regionals for the first time. Well, not the first time - but the first time in over ten years. Everyone was ecstatic and vibrating with giddiness for finally making it. All fifteen members of the ladies' basketball team for South Florida bustled off of the plane, eager to get to the bus to head to the hotel.

Walking into the hotel wasn't initially as picturesque as they thought it'd be. Something about this moment felt a lot like a movie, but they were soon to find out that it wasn't. The revolving doors seemed to fit the surreal vibe at first, but they got a dose of reality when it only allowed one person to pass through. Dinah found that out the hard way. And it was a lot heavier to push than it seemed. Nevertheless, all team members eventually muddled into the hotel and were now occupying the lobby, waiting for their coach to give them further directions. Their overall excitement had subsided by now, with most of the girls being worn from the traveling they'd been doing all morning.

Dinah gestured for everyone to gather into a little huddle animatedly. "We finally did it. We're here."

"Is it possible to be jet lagged if the flight was only four and a half hours?" Halle grumbled and wiped her eyes sleepily.

"Probably, but wake up! This is the tournament, Halle. We've literally never made it this far before," Dinah stressed and shook her shoulder. "We are this close. You can't sleep through that."

"I'm just ready for the mixer tonight," Ava announced as her enthusiasm resurfaced.

"The party?" Mckenzie asked for clarity, because she was never one to keep up with the lingo. It always changed much too frequently for her liking.

"Well, yeah. This is more like a mixer, though."

"It's the same thing."

"Mixers are places where people can mix and mingle. We're not just going to a party."

"When do we get to go do our own thing? I want to check out one of their famous museums," Jess announced, already tired with the idea of having to go out so soon.

"That's what I said," Tori agreed and held her hand up for a high five.

"I know, I know, but we have to stay focused. Being in Indiana is cool and all, but the game comes first. We have only have two days until we play Notre Dame. Everyone knows that practice starts at five, right? I don't want any of you to be late or-" Vanessa instantly tried to discourage anyone from straying from their sole purpose of being here, but was calmed before she could get too passionate about their schedule.

"Nessa, we just got here. Let us live," Camila put a gentle hand on her shoulder, silently urging her to step down.

"It's just important. We need to stay focused and keep in mind the real reason why we're here," Vanessa insisted.

"It is. That's why we'll all be at practice at five o'clock and not a minute later, right?" Camila implored from the rest of them, and when she got a collective yeah, she smiled. "Exactly. And until then, it's a free for all. We know what we want and we know how to get it. We've got this."

Designated captain by her coach and most of her counterparts for her sensibility and poise, Camila succeeded in accommodating everyone else. All of the mildly annoyed faces eased into more pleasant expressions. Vanessa shared the same passion as Camila, but Camila usually strove for a different approach. Her teammates adored her, and none of it ever went to her head. Camila lead without an ego. She was calculated and practical, yet easygoing and amiable. She reached conclusions and made plans without aggression or condescendence. She was the ultimate playmaker. And through her free spirit, she'd carried them all the way to the championship - although she wouldn't claim doing so singlehandedly. The team appreciated Camila's endeavors and valued her word more often. Vanessa was generally regarded as a nuisance.

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