Chapter 4: Mushy Talk

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Lauren was growing considerably familiar with the halls of this hotel. She'd been up and down these halls and in and out of these elevators far more times than necessary. And she was back at it again, on her way to the lobby for this dumb room key. Within the habitual space of the elevator, she propped her leg against the wall for the journey down, still scrolling through her pictures with Camila. When the doors opened to release her, she shut off her phone and strolled on out.

Goofily sauntering down the hall and into the lobby, Lauren was pleased to find the occupant of her thoughts up there at the counter. She was intricately describing something and using excessive hand gestures, much like she did that morning at breakfast. Lauren carried her happy self on over there and couldn't contain her expression for the life of her.

"I told you, my roommate went to the pool with the towels we were supposed to have for the bathroom. I'd like some more for tonight, please."

"We'll get those towels up to you as soon as possible."

"That was me who asked about it ten minutes ago, too. If that helps..." she sighed. "Thanks."

"There's Ms. Houdini," Lauren smugly announced her presence by sliding up particularly close to Camila's figure. "What did you do?"

"I'm starting to think you're an actual stalker," Camila's defense guard dissipated when she realized it was just Lauren again. "You just keep popping up."

"If I were a stalker, then I'd know what you did. And I wouldn't be asking you now, would I?"

"Shut up," Camila laughed. "What are you doing down here?"

"I have no idea what I did with my room key," Lauren shrugged and pointed to the concierge. "I have to get another. I'm guessing you need more towels?"

"Yeah. My roommate went to the pool and used the last of the big ones. I guess they didn't refill our room when they came in for housekeeping or something, I don't know."

"Don't they have towels at the pool, though?"

"That's what I told her... But I mean, she'd already used it so it's no point."

"That's all you're waiting on? What's the problem?"

"Nothing, I think. It's just that he said someone would deliver them 'as soon as possible' when I called like ten minutes ago. I got tired of waiting to shower, so I just came down here to get them myself. But I've been standing here for the longest, too."

"Oh, well I have a bunch of extra towels in my room because I don't have a roommate this time. You can take a few back with you if you want."

"I might have to take you up on that. He doesn't look like he's too eager to help me," Camila considered as she glanced back at the concierge that hadn't moved from his placement at all, despite the way he said he'd go get them for her.

"Excuse me," Lauren commanded his attention, and he meagerly looked up from the computer screen. "Hi, yeah, I just lost my room key and I kinda need to get back up there, so, may I have another one? Please?"

The flustered young man stuttered when he asked Lauren which room she was staying in. The exchange happened quickly and Lauren obtained her spare key, not even two minutes later.

"Thanks," Lauren mumbled and stuck it in her pocket, motioning for Camila to tag along.

"What? I asked this guy for towels like five minutes ago and he acted like he was too busy. Teach me your ways."

"You didn't ask the right way."

"I so did, I was being nice. I said please and everything..." Camila disregarded her mission and silently took Lauren up on her offer, following her back down the hall. "It's probably just because you're hot."

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