Chapter 19: Priorities

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Following that emotionally taxing conversation, both girls soon fell asleep. Camila was loosely in Lauren's grasp as they drifted away on the couch. When Camila's family returned home, the sight of them napping warmed their hearts. All they wanted was Camila's happiness. It seemed that Lauren really did make her happy, in spite of everything. It was clear to see. Camila's grudge had prevented her from acknowledging the fact that was still undoubtedly true.

When they woke up again, Lauren realized that she'd missed the window for leaving in time. She wasn't a fan of driving at night and opted out of doing so. Besides, that was more time with Camila. After eating dinner and opening up a little more about their relationship to Camila's family, they retired to bed shortly thereafter. Lauren didn't particularly want to sleep in her bed, but when Camila wrapped her arms around her, she didn't object. Leaving was in the back of her mind and she figured she owed it to herself to please Camila that way. It was simple and Lauren refused to move all night.

By the morning, she was amazed by her self restraint. She was in the same position. The same couldn't be said for Camila, though. Broken ribs didn't hinder her monstrous sleeping patterns, apparently. Lauren was presumably stiff as a board all night, but Camila had other plans. Lauren was surprised she was still in the bed, that Camila hadn't pushed her out somehow. In her twin sized bed, Camila managed to be strewn across it diagonally, halfway on top of Lauren, with her limbs dangling over the edges. Lauren didn't see how it was possible, but she was smitten with her wild girl nonetheless.

Originally, she had plans of leaving yesterday evening, but that didn't come to fruition. Spending time with Camila was so liberating, she found that school was slightly secondary. Already well aware of the syllabus and having the test dates ingrained into her mind, she knew she wasn't missing anything of much importance. Nothing was dire. Taking off on this Tuesday wasn't intentional, but she wasn't regretting it either. She could get along in most of her classes by reading the textbook, as she'd learned to do with basketball season. Missing today would be just like a game day, or so she tried to convince herself as she laid next to Camila.

Camila wasn't in the most attractive position, with her cheek squished against her pillow and her mouth partially open. Her hair was a mess and so was she. A little puddle of drool had even collected by her mouth, but Lauren couldn't find it in her to be disgusted. It was gross in an endearing way, and she didn't know how she managed. She reached out to smooth her hair back as she laid by her side, watching the slow rise and fall of her chest. With a lingering smile from the act, she slowly untangled their legs and slipped out of Camila's bed in order to lethargically start her day.

"Hey," Camila protested when she felt Lauren moving out. She blindly felt for her and whined when she only came into contact with her sheets. She leaned up and squinted around her room. She relaxed when she saw Lauren standing only a few feet away.

"Hey, I'm still here. I'm just using the bathroom," she said raspily and tousled her hair.

"Oh," Camila reclined against the pillow again. "Good morning."

"Good morning, I really have to pee," Lauren gave her a rushed hello as she scurried off towards the bathroom.

Camila giggled faintly as she watched her disappear. She didn't bother going back to sleep, because she wanted to capitalize on her time with Lauren. She sat up in bed and waited for her return. Lauren came back shortly after and shook the excess water off of her hands.

"You could've dried your hands on the towel," Camila looked at her fondly as she walked towards her bedside.

"I know, but I couldn't tell which one was a face towel or a bath towel or the hand towel... So I just didn't," Lauren shrugged and resorted to patting her hands dry on her pants.

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