Shino x Kiba

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Here you go --MoosieMoo-- sorry it took awhile to get this posted... anyway, enjoy and read or... read and enjoy...

Kiba P.O.V

"C'mon Hinata, wake up!" I tried to get her up since she fainted again. "Why do you always faint around Naruto?"
"Maybe because she has a feeling for him." Shino, my teammate and crush since FOREVER (or since the day I saw him) said bluntly.
"Oh hehe.... Right." I say awkwardly.
"Hn..." Hinata stirred. "Oh, Hinata, you're finally awake huh...." "Yea.."

She was probably disappointed 'cause she usually has dreams about Naruto... talk about weird. Well, I have dreams about Shino so I shouldn't be calling it weird I guess.

"Um, I have to go T-training with Neji now so... bye!" And like that, she ran off. "Ok then, hey Shino wanna hang or something?" I asked blushing a little.
"Sure, nothing else to do I guess."
"Yessssss..." I thought. "Ok then." I was a little to cheery 'cause he looked at me weirdly and started walking in a random direction. "Hey! Wait for me!" I yelled out. "Hurry up then." He called out. I pouted.

We were just walking around town. Akamaru isn't with us 'cause he's getting a check up with my sister.
"So, where do you wanna go?" I asked since its obvious that I didn't think this far ahead. "I don't know. I was just following you." "Oh." Well, I didn't know that. Since he was following me, I was thinking of taking him somewhere, like a forest with a lake to take swim in and maybe look at each other and-
"Kiba, are you ok? You have a little nosebleed."
"Oh, I didn't notice that hehe..." I'm turning into Master Jiraiya now.
"Here." He gave me a tissue. "You need it more then me right now."
"Thanks Shino." "No problem."

Onto my plan, I'm going to bring to a place where me and Akamaru always go. I don't think anyone else knows about it, so I'll take him there.
We arrived at the special place I wanted to take him to. He was a little stunned on how the place looked I'm guessing. "Wow, this place looks cool." Shino said taking it all in. "Yea, me and Akamaru always come here to train or just to relax." I explained. "Oh." He replied. We were now resting in the ground, just listening to each other breath. I found it relaxing when
"Um Kiba," "yea Shino?" What does he want? "Um... you're touching my hand.." When he said this, I looked at our hands and blushed furiously. But then I thought, "No, I have to stand tall! Or rather, lay straight!"

I toke a deep breath and finally said,
"Hey Shino," I nervously asked. "Yea Kiba?" I think he's suspicious why I'm still holding his hand...
"I-i needed to tell you something for a-a while now.." I stuttered, hesitantly.
"Yea??" He asked more confused now.
"I-I-I hadthelongestcrushonyousinceforever" I said really fast, but I didn't think he heard. "What?" He asked. "*sigh* I said I had t-the longest c-c-crush on y-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I felt something rough on my lips. I looked and saw Shino kissing me. SHINO KISSING ME!!! I was at a loss for words. I couldn't believe it.

We stayed like that for a while, but good moments gotta come to a end when you're a human. I pulled back and toke a lot of deep breaths. "U-um S-Shino?" I asked stuttering as my breathing hitched a little. "Yea?" He asked bluntly. "You know that you just kissed me right?" "Yea I know.."
"What does that mean?" I asked hoping for dear life that it means we would be together. "It means I put my lips on yours to kiss you." He bluntly said.

My heart just stopped, but not literally. "O-oh.." I said disappointed. ".... I'm kidding." He said. "It means I feel the same way like you." "Oh." I said more with more joy in my words.
"So.... wanna go out Kiba?" He asked me getting up a bit. "S-sure.." I said happily but really in my mind I was like, "YES!!!! HELL TO THE YES BRUH!!!!!!!!!!!" I was basically screaming in my mind that I thought my thoughts could be heard.

So later that day we went walking around the village hand in hand. Naruto gave us a thumbs yup saying in my ear that 'He knew it'. Ha! Yea right. Everyone was happy for us, and I was happy for that.  Me and Shino will never be brought down or leave each other no matter what. Our bond is closer then you would think. I'm just glad I'm with the man I love the most.

Well, that's that I guess! Sorry that it's short but hey, least I posted something. And once again, sorry for not updating recently, it's all in the A/N and stuffz. I'll hopefully be posting regularly now and who knows, maybe I'll post the
Lee X Gaara part 2 LEMON 
Later today!! Anyway, Bye!!!!

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