Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jordan's POV

I came home that day after me and Collin went our separate ways. I opened my front door and saw my mom on the couch watching tv with trash all over the floor. Looks like I have to clean that up.

"Where have you been obese?! I need this house clean in an hour I'm having people over and your serving and making dinner. Get to work!" My mom yells at me with so much force. I always try so hard to not cry. But at least one tear always escapes my eye.

I nod at my mother and put my stuff down, I begin cleaning the kitchen to start dinner. I start boiling noodles and grab the cans of tomato sauce for the spaghetti. While the food is hating and almost done with cooking, I start picking up the downstairs, till its perfectly spotless. If its not I might get another back eye tomorrow or tonight.

Not long before I finished dinner my moms "friends" arrived. I opened the door and there stood Jim, my moms drug dealer. He's like the man of the house whenever he's here. He's hit me a few times but in not really scared of him he's just a tall man that always wears black shades. I've never seen his eyes. Maybe because they're always red and puffy from how much pot he smokes.

"Hey bitch where's your mom?" He shoves me out of the way to let himself in.

"She's in her room." He gives me a glare like he's telling me to go get her. So I run upstairs and tell her one of her guests are over. She rolls her eyes at me and smacks my cheek. What did I do to make her treat me like this?

I walk back downstairs and find four other men sitting in our living room. They are all smoking pot and I cough at the lack of oxygen I'm breathing. "Go serve us dinner and go to your room and stay there." My bitch of a mother tells me. I obey her orders and walk towards the kitchen.

"Walk faster bitch!" I heard one of the men yell. I grab the food and hear chuckling coming from the room. I walk back in the living room and give them there plates. "Now leave." The same man tells me and I waste no time grabbing my bag and head towards my room.

I open my door to my room of secrets and cries. My room is my little place of thought and secrets. My walls have quotes that usually have the meaning of never giving up. My mom never comes in here unless I did something wrong and she beats me.

I sit down on my bed of beatings. I have names for a couple of things. My floor is floor of shame, my closet is just a dark place I hide in to keep my cries quiet. I pull out my dinosaur phone and text Collin. I could use a friend who now knows me.

To Collin: *hey*

From Collin: *hey what's up? Are you okay?* I love how he cares if I'm okay. It makes my heart flutter.

To Collin: *umm, ya. Can you come over?* he texts back immediately.

From Collin: *of course :) be there in a minute*

To Collin: *okay :) and climb the tree in the front it leads to my window *

From Collin: *okie doke! See you soon ;)*

Minutes later I hear knocking on my door, I open it and see Jim standing with a metal spoon in his hand. "Yes Jim?" I ask annoyed. I probably shouldn't have said anything. I can't see his eyes so I don't know if he's super angry or not. But he's angry cause he smacks me in the face with the belt. Opposite side f where my mom hit me.

"Don't sass me!" He infuriates. I hold my cheek noticing blood on the tip of my fingers. I take a quick glance at the belt and notice there are spikes on the belt. A few tears slip from my eyes as he pulls me up harshly by my hair. I screech from the pain my head has obtained.

"What did I do?" I ask desperately. "Nothing, your just fun to mess around with." He smirks and pulls me downstairs where the other four men were. I don't see my mom anywhere.

"Where's my mom?"

"She's passed out in her room." He smirks at me. This isn't going to be good.

Collins POV

I run to Jordan's house and climb the tree leading to her window. I climb through her window and don't see her. I slowly walk by the door and hear screaming coming from downstairs. I know that's Jordan's scream. I run downstairs and can't believe my eyes....



Hey guys thanks for reading sorry for the wait. Ill will try to update daily. Anyways thanks again!



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