Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jordan's POV

After talking on the phone with my "lovely" mother. The incredibly handsome Collin walks up to me. Why is he walking up to me? I still had tears in my eyes from my mother and I's conversation.

"Hi" he said to me. I looked down and I'm pretty sure I was blushing, ALOT. "Hi" I replied back.

"Are you okay? I saw you crying and.... Never mind it's none of my business." He starts walking away until I grab his wrist to pull him back. Cue the butterflies that have just erupted.

"No, it's okay. I just have a rough life at home."

"Do you want to talk about? You don't have too! It's just you seem different and interesting." He gives me that beautiful smile and I think my heart just died. Should I tell him though? I could some one to talk to. I don't talk about it with my friends. Maybe telling just one person won't give me another bruise.

"Your names Collin right?" He looks up at me and does his half crooked smile.

"Ya" I hold out my hand and act like an adult to "properly meet someone'. "I'm Jordan" I say.

"I know, you're that cute shy girl that talks and laughs with her friends yet shy and quiet in the classroom." Did he just call me cute? No, Collin? He would never call a girl like me cute.

"Oh right, I guess I am really shy." I look down completely embarrassed.

"Your cute when your embarrassed." He stopped and front of me and lifted my head up with his fingers on my chin looking at me straight in the eyes. We stood there for a moment just admiring each others eyes. Is this even happening?

"Do you still want to talk about it?" I give him a slight nod and we walk to the park. We sat down in the grass and I basically let everything out.

I told him about my dad and how he passed away 3 years ago when I was in 5th grade and ever since then my mom comes home drunk, beats me and makes me do everything for her. I told him about how my sister left and couldn't take my mom anymore with her dad. Yes she is my half sister, she wanted to take full custody of me since my dad died but my mom couldn't let that happen. He started tearing up while I was talking and I just started to cry just a little bit. I hate crying in front of people it shows weakness and I don't want to be weak. But when it's personal it shows that you have a heart and feelings. I could tell Collin had a heart. He's not the guy you would genuinely call a "jock" he's nice, funny, cute, smart, cute... Wait did I say that already? Oh well.

"I'm really sorry, that's really hard to take in. How did you manage to stay strong and hide behind that beautiful smile all these years?" He called my smile beautiful.... That's a first.

"Well I sort of new that I would have to deal with it somehow, soon I chose the positive side. I always followed orders but I was always scared she would beat me again." I looked him in eye and out of nowhere he just... Hugs me. Not just a one arm hug a full on hug. He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck and he smelt sooo good! Oh.. Is that weird?

Collins POV

I embraced Jordan in a friendly hug. She smells like a pomegranate. I'm surprised I even now what a pomegranate smells like. I hugged her for about 3 minutes and I felt wet drips on my back and knew she was crying and I was okay with that. It's not every day you find out someone has a hard abused life at home.

I pulled away and just stared at her. She looked at me confused, dried tears stained to her cheeks. I quickly pecked her on the cheek, leaving the taste of salt on my lips. Her mouth went into an "O" shape and I just smiled.

"What was that for?" She looked at me and smiled. "I felt like it needed to happen." I grabbed her hand and we walked out of the park and on our way home. I know I just barely met her but she's so interesting and different. Plus she's beautiful. I've never see a girl like her.


Hey babes! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

...... I don't have anything else to say.... 😐 😂

Anywhore.. Love you! FAN VOTE COMMENT! And go read my other story! It All Started With Twitter! Thanks again!

Love u!


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