The Moment

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Hey Klainers... So incase anyone didn't notice, the theme for each drabble, comes from something mentioned in the previous one, so they are all linked. I had to mention it, I thought it was kinda neat ;) Anyways, are you ready for this piece of shocking information??? It's set AFTER established Klaine, no, I didn't see that one coming either ;) Enjoy -xoxo


I decided to write this letter to you, it's not like I'm ever going to send it, or your ever going to read it, but sometimes it helps to put your feelings down on paper... apparently. To be honest your a bit full of yourself, you get all the solos, your worshipped by the Warblers, your easily annoyed and totally clueless... but I guess that's why I like you. Your not perfect, but who is? The momet I saw you in the corridors of Dalton, in that blazer, I fell in love, I guess. I watched you sing Teenage Dream and I was imagining you singing it to me, and I'd known you for under an hour. You gave me courage, Blaine, you turned my life around. The day I transferred, I swear I'd never been that happy before in my life, life at Dalton is fun and I can't complain about the view. Did I ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes? Or that your hair looks really hot without all that gel in it? That I love the blazer, but only on you and whenever I hear a Katy Perry song, your all I can think about. Well it's true. Your amazing, Blaine. At Christmas, when we sang that duet, I was happy for a fortnight afterwards. The moment on Valentine's day, when I realised it wasn't me you wanted to sing to, that you didn't want me at all, I lost my mind. I felt like I was going to be sick, because I'd made it all up in my head, I'd been living in a fantasy. Then you went and kissed Rachel Berry, I could barely watch, I was so jealous, I ignored her texts, her calls, tried not to speak to her at all costs. Then last week, we were doing that stupid 'sexy' number, and I felt like such an idiot. Why would someone like you, ever be attracted to someone like me? I'm about as sexy as a new-born puppy, and your the sexiest guy in Ohio. I'm in love with you Blaine Anderson, utterly and totally in love. And you have no idea.

Kurt practically skipped down the hall to his dorm, knowing that Blaine would be waiting for him. It had been a month since the Warblers had lost at regionals, but it didn't matter to Kurt, he'd got the most amazing, wonderful boyfriend out of this, he couldn't ask for anything better.

He opened his door, he heart stopping as he took in the scene before him. Blaine, crossed leg on the carpet, tears pouring down his face, falling on the piece of note paper in his hands.

"Blaine, honey? What's wrong?" Kurt whispered, his voice shaking.

Blaine sniffed, wiping away the tears tracks with his cardigan sleeve, "You wrote a letter to me, before we got together, explaining how you felt..." he laughed sadly, not bothering to stop the flow of fresh tears forming.

Kurt cringed, he remember the letter, it wasn't pretty, "But why are you crying, sweetie?" he asked, sitting down behind him and wrapping his arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"I was so stupid, Kurt. I hurt you, so much, I've been such an idiot." Blaine muttered, his voice cold with self-loathing. Kurt merely laughed, turning so he could look the older boy in the eyes, he took his  hands, squeezing them hard.

"Blaine all those things in the letter were true, but you made up for all of the bad bits when you told me you felt the same way too, when you kissed me the first time, it erased everything wrong that you had ever done." Kurt smiled, leaning in close and kissing away the remaining tears on Blaine's flawless face.

"But I'm still the sexiest man in Ohio?"

"No... Your the sexiest man in the entire universe."

"I love you, Kurt."

"Not as much as I love you, gorgeous." Kurt murmured.

Blaine lifted Kurt's chin with two fingers, kissing him properly, on the lips. He could taste his own tears, mixed in with Kurt, who always tasted like cupcakes, no matter the time of the day.

"This is going on youtube..." came a cry from the doorway, David and Wes were knelt, camera in hand, filming the scene.

"Is it worrying that I feel the need to scream like a fan girl?" Wes grinned, in reply Blaine lifted his foot, kicking the door shut in his face.

"Now where were we?" Blaine beamed, grabbing his boyfriend by the shoulders and pulling him into a deeper kiss.

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