Meet the Parents

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Sorry guys, I know I've been neglecting you recently, I feel bad, trust me :( Anyways, the new episode totally inspired me (I'm not going to get started on the CUTENESS of that entire 40 minutes) so here's some new stuff... Enjoy - xoxo

Kurt was nervous, not something he was particularly used to, but standing outside Blaine's front dorr, in the pouring rain, he was terrified. It took hima few minutes to pluck up the courage to ring the doorbell, this was a bad idea, he should turn around now, Blaine would understand. He fished his car keys from his coat pocket, turning back to the car.

"I guess your... Kurt?" came a voice from the doorway, he spun round, shoving his keys back in his pocket, scared of looking like a coward. The porch light illuminated the boy standing in the hall, he was tall, with Blaine's unruly curls and undescribable hazel eyes, but a lighter hair colour, closer to Kurt's than his boyfriend's. When he didn't answer, the boy continued, "You look drenched. I thought Blaine said you always looked perfect?"

Kurt raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow, not sure whether to be offended or amused.

"The rain had it out for me." he smiled shyly, hovering next to his car awkwardly.

"You better get inside, my Mom will flip if she knew how long you've been stood out here."

Kurt blushed, he had arrived a good ten minutes ago, the thought of Blaine's brother watching his indescision made him all the more embarassed. He stepped inside, sighing happily as a gust of warm air engulfed him, the smell of pasta filling his senses.

"I'm Justin, by the way." the older boy smiled, offering his hand, "You have a much stronger hand shake than I expected."

Again Kurt didn't know what to say, he decided not to take offence, he was, after all, Blaine's brother.

"Oh, you do have pretty eyes." laughed a woman, emerging from the kitchen, Blaine's Mom. She was breathtakingly beautiful, like a model, with long black curls and a pixie-like build. Kurt couldn't help gasping.

"I'm Lisa, Blaine has told us so much about you-"

"Yeah, he never shuts up, the way he goes on I was expecting someone a bit more... amazing."

"Justin!" Lisa scolded, flushing pink and staring at her son pointedly, "He doesn't mean it, he's just broke up with a girl, he's in a bad mood. I want you to know that you will always be welcome at this house, no matter how Justin, or my husband, Rick, may act. " she explained, pulling Kurt into a light hug. He could tell he was going to like this woman. Kurt began to assure her that it was fine, when a sight on the staircase stopped his breath. Blaine. Looking painfully embarassed.

"Justin's just jealous, honey, he knows he could never pull a girl as beautiful as you." he grinned, jumping the last few steps and pulling Kurt into a massive hug, then kissing him softly on the lips. Kurt froze, statue like. Blaine had never been a fan of public displays of affection. The shorter boy chuckled, not moving his arms from their position, wrapped around his boyfriend's waist.

"I already told you, babe, my Mom and Justin are cool with us-"

"That is not an invitation to start making out infront of me!" Justin quickly added, cringing, Lisa just laughed, clearly enjoying the affect Kurt had on her youngest son.

Kurt relaxed a little, slowly getting used to the crazy atmosphere in this house.

"C'mon, I'll show you my room," Blaine grinned, intertwining his fingers in Kurt's and dragging him up the staircase. Kurt couldn't have been sure, but he could have sworn he saw a tear in Lisa's eye, followed by her whispering 'I think that went well' to an obviously uninterested Justin.

"Are you okay?" Blaine murmured, "They're a bit full-on."

"They are perfect." Kurt smiled, totally meaning it.

Blaine's room was huge, you could fit Kurt's entire house in it... okay, so maybe that was an exaggeration, but it was big. He flopped back on Blaine's double bed, just a little jealous. The walls were painted autumn colours, golds and ambers, and decorated with photo collages and Katy Perry posters. On his bedside table, was a photo album, he opened it, flicking to the first page. His head spun when he saw it, taking in the collage that greeted him.

A coffee shop reciept, a phone number, Kurt's phone number, scrawled on a napkin, the lyrics to Candles and Teenage Dream, lovingly copied out in Blaine's 'fancy' handwriting, countless pictures of the two boys together, at Regionals, with the Warblers, Wes and David, at prom. The whole page was covered in little red hearts, at the bottom, letter cut out of a magazine, spelt out the word 'courage'.

Blaine snapped the book closed, pulling it from his fingers. Kurt looked up, annoyed, he was having a 'moment'. Blaine looked away, giggling nervously.

'You weren't supposed to see that, your going to thing I'm some kind of stalker."

He looked so cute when he was embarassed, holding his face in his hands.

"I think... it's the most adorable thing I have ever seen." Kurt whispered, fighting the urge to bust into tears. He knew Blaine loved him, but up until this point, he hadn't believed it.


Okay, so it was bad, I know... Sorry... I could use some prompts, I'm running out of ideas :L


Klaine is courage<3

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