Hello Darkness my old friend

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The old door creaked open as it swung freely open on its own weight. The entrance led to the quiet and dark hallway. Jessica had chosen the east entrance closest to "The throne room," and the bedrooms. She was planning for it to be quick, but she also knew this entrance would be heavily guarded. The dark hallway opened to her looked abandoned, the smell of sulfur was overpowering, she was in the right place. She took her angel blade out of her jacket, and took her first steps inside.

"Idcirco praecipio tibi ut daemonum exeunt," Jessica spoke with authority.

An eerie stillness fell over the dark corridor, the temperature immediately dropped, and the air became stale with sulfur. Jessica gripped her blade tightly, every muscle tense prepared for any attack. Two figures turned the corner, men, average in height wearing dark suits, one looked middle eastern and the other was a caucasian. They both looked stunned and frustrated. Upon seeing Jessica they both shown their demon black eyes.

"Who the heck are you, and to speak with such authority?" The caucasian replied with a snarl.

"Why don't you come here and find out," Jessica crouched with a taunting smile.

Immediately the demons ran down the corridor. When they were just feet away, Jessica ran taking steps close the the right wall, she leapt pitching her right foot on the wall. The momentum sent her high into the air, her left foot extended and making contact with the middle eastern demon in the face. The demon fell under her weight, she plunged her blade into the caucasian. Then expertly she sung her blade around her body, it then landing in the second demon's chest as the body hit the floor. Both demons sparked and fizzed with the deadly blows.

Jessica looked up just in time to see three more demons, two males one female, charging down the hallway. She side stepped from the two fallen bodies, she charged forward. She threw her blade at the bigger of the males, the blade sunk deep into the body on impact, he fell crackling. The female was the first to reach Jessica, Jumping Jessica lunging her legs first. The demon's head fell in between her legs, one swift motion Jessica spung her body, till she felt the demon's neck crack. They both fell to the ground, Jessica flat on her back. Kicking the wall she swung her butt on the ground, legs extended knocking the last demon on the ground. He tried desperately to stand back up quickly But Jessica was up first. She kicked her right foot into the demons supporting leg, it cracked. Jessica twirled over the shoulders of the demon so she was now standing behind him she took a small bottle from her belt and crammed the holy water into the demon's face. He shrieked in pain and fell to the floor.

Jessica calmly walked to the first demon that had her blade fully in his chest, she tore the weapon his body. The holy water demon shrieking cries were loud and would draw attention. Jessica stood over him, took a deep breath then swung the blade down cutting off his head ending his cries. Blood spurting from the neck speckling Jessica's face. She could hear feet storming to her location. Jessica took her blade and drove it into the female's face, couldn't have a demon gaining consciousness and attacking her from behind.

Jessica took off down the hallway, it turned left. She knew from the blueprint it would open to a larger room most likely where it was a nurses station when it was an asylum. There she was met with a giant male demon who had an angel blade drawn. He stood in an expert swordsman stance.

"Finally someone that might be a challenge." Jessica breathed.

"I will be more of a challenge, I will be your doom blondie." His voice was low and deep, he held up to fingers and motion for her to come.

At the invitation Jessica crossed the room, slowly she look another small bottle from her belt. Just as a demon came charging from the hallway to the right. Without looking she threw the bottle at the demon who immediately fell to the ground in cries. She brought her blade up to meet her competitors stance. She swung her entire body to make contact with his lung attack. Before their bodies made contact she used her momentum to kick into the air. In a walking motion her left foot made contact to the demon's throat. He dropped his blade and caught her foot causing her body to spin in the air, she felt a ligament tear in her ankle. Her body crashed down on the floor hard, her back landing hard on his blade causing a cry to escape her lips. Her own blade had fallen from her hand when she fell.

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