Knocking on the sky.

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When Jessica woke up she was in a unfamiliar room. She had no memory of how she got in the room, or even where she was. She saw movement to her left and saw Castiel sitting up in a chair next to the tiny bed. Seeing Castiel all her memories came flooding back.

"How long was I out?" Jessica groaned

"Just a day, you were exhausted, you were beaten badly. I healed you but your body still needed to rest, you went through quite a trauma." Castiel's voice was deep but smooth, Jessica was lost in his magnificent blue eyes, she truly felt safe. A name then popped into her head.

"Crowley, where is he?"

"The boys have a place they call a dungeon. They have kept Crowley there before, it's filled with devil traps so he is secure. He won't escape." Castiel looked Jessica up and down his eyes were sad, "I should have gone with you. Next time I go!" His voice was stern, this was not debatable.

Jessica sat up. Her head was swimming and her arms ached were the fresh Lion tattoos were. She absent mindedly stroked her left arm tracing the Lion. "I wasn't alone, HE saw everything. And as to the next step I don't have one yet, waiting on the boss." She smiled, her friend hadn't abandoned her, and gave her the best gift of all. Heaven's Lions.

"May I?" Castiel was also staring at the tattoo.

"Of course. Must be like seeing an old pet. These once guarded heaven like Hounds guard Hell." She stretched out her left arm so Castiel could inspect them, "Castiel this is Leo." She then stretched out her right arm, "This is Judah."

Tears fell from his eyes, "yes I remember them well. I thought they were gone forever. was a terrible day when they left, was when all the Angel's realised God left Heaven. There was mass confusion in heaven. Heaven has never felt the same, which is why I lead a garrison on earth I couldn't be in heaven without our father. Didn't seem like home." His fingers gently stroked each cat silhouette. "Home..." Castiel's voice was distant, his mind was somewhere else.

Jessica allowed the Angel warrior to reminisce his home. It must have been devastating to the Angels when the Lions were found missing. Then God was found gone. They must have been so lost, chaotic, confused, abandoned. Jessica knew why he left, but it wasn't her place to share, God would reveal his plan to those he choose. Her heart went out to Castiel, he tried so hard to follow his father's wishes,and plan. He also stumbled and fell, he murdered, and allowed heaven to fall into the wrong hands. He had been alone, homeless, hungry, tired, lost, he felt loss, and he felt loved by the brothers. Wasn't her place to reveal God's secrets but it was her place to try an heal this broken warrior.

Jessica sat up more, and draped her long legs over the bedside. That was when she realised she was in a change of clothes. She sat in mens boxers and a man's tank top. By the size she was judging they were Dean's, they hung loosely on Jessica's tiny frame.

"You clothes were torn, and bloody. I can heal you but not materials, so you had to borrow Dean's things till then. I'm sorry I changed you while you slept." Castiel replied reading her mind.

Jessica was slightly embarrassed Castiel had seen her naked, and in such a state. She knew she shouldn't be but this was an angel that looked up to her ina former life. She sent him and his brothers into battle. She was a legend and here she was, he had seen her not only weak and bleeding but also naked, and broken.

"Are you alright?" Castiel was by her side. She looked at him, concern flooding his eyes. She remembered what she wanted to do to this loyal servant.

"Yes, I'm fine," Jessica said shaking off her embarrassment she had been feeling, "Come closer please. She patted to the bed next to her."

Castiel obeyed. She took his hands looked at them very carefully. They were warm against hers, which felt like ice. She stroked the back of his hands with her thumbs. Castiel sat quietly watching her hands in his, unsure of what to do. Slowly he withdrew his gaze to meet hers, her crystal eyes were enchanting he never wanted to look at anything else in his life. Hours ago he had wiped blood and dirt from her naked body, gently clothed her, and waited for hours for her to wake to see those crystal eyes. Her blond hair was messy but fell around her hand framing her small face in a sexy way. She had no makeup on, she was sitting in borrowed mens closed but to Cass he never seen a woman look more sexy than she did right now with her small hands in his.

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