1. Interviews

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Camila's POV

"Walz!Get up." Dinah said shaking me

"Nooo." I groaned. Before Dinah had woken me up, I was having a lovely dream.

"Get up, we have an interview,a photo shoot.And have to go to the studio." My best friend said "If you're not up in a few minutes, I'm getting a bucket of ice cold water and throwing it on you."

"I'm up." I sat up immediately. Knowing Dinah she'd do it.


"Hey what's up, I'm Chelsea Briggs and today I'm here with my girls/ the ladies of Fourth Harmony. How are you girls?" The blonde woman said

"We're doing great. You look great by the way." Normani said

"Aww thank you, it's nothing but compliments with you girls." She smiled "you girls always look great."

"Thank you." Ally smiled

"So your album 7/27" is coming out soon." Chelsea said

"Yeah, we're really excited. And we're also excited to perform those songs on our summer tour." I said

"So, when you girls tour. Who is the messiest?" She asked us

"Mila for sure. In the sense that she stuffs so much into her bunk. I'm surprised she can fit." Dinah said

"It's true. Last tour, my stuff fell out of my bunk. And it was just a pile of books,clothes and it was just a bunch of crap. Some that I thought I had lost or forgotten." I nodded

After a few basic questions. She had one last question left.

"Okay so last question, who is your celebrity crush at the moment??" The interviewer asked

"Well mine is my girlfriend, Normani." Dinah smiled holding Normani's hand

"Aww." We all cooed

"Whipped." I teased

"Ally and Camila who are you celebrity crushes?" The blonde woman asked

"Mine is my boyfriend, Niall." Ally smiled

"Cute, what about you Camila?" Chelsea said

"I don't have one." I looked down

"She's lying, she's got a huge crush on Lauren Jauregui from 'Fluorescent Feeling'

"Dinah!" I said

"Aww cute, I ship it." Chelsea smiled

"Same! I even came up with a ship name. Camren." Dinah said. Which was true. She's always teasing me about my crush on the green eyed beauty.

"Well that's all the time we have. I've gotta get going. Good luck on the album I've already pre-ordered it." The blonde woman said


Lauren's POV

"Ber gate." Justin said with a mouth full

"What?" I took a seat

Justin held a finger up then continued to chew his food then swallowed it. He took a deep breath then repeated what he had said,

"I said, you're late." He said

"Sorry, I was with Kendall." I apologized

"Ooo." Him and Zayn smirked

"Shut up." I chuckled taking half of Justin's sandwich

"Hey!" He frowned

"Things between you two are getting serious, eh?" Zayn asked

"I don't know." I sighed "I really like her and I have a good time with her but we've only been on a few dates."

"Kendall and Lauren sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love then comes marriage. Then comes a baby in the baby carriage, sucking his thumb, wetting his pants, doing the hula, hula dance!" Justin sang like a child

"I don't know what's weirder the fact that you just happened to know that off the tip of your head or that you're just that childish." I chuckled

"I think he just found our new single. The label is going to love that bop." Zayn laughed

"Grammy's here we come." I laughed

From: VaDinah

To: VaDinah
Dinah !

From: VaDinah
What are you doing next Saturday?

To: VaDinah
Idk prob gonna chill @ home with Bear y ? ¿

From: VaDinah
change in plans, you're coming to Camila's birthday party

To: VaDinah
Is dis ur way of inviting me?

From; VaDinah
yeah, see you Saturday! Invite Justin and Zayn if you'd like

k, sounds St.Laurent

"Earth to Jauregui!" Zayn threw a grape at me

"What the hell?" I asked

"You were ignoring us." He said

"I was texting Dinah, she invited me to a party." I explained "You guys can come if you want,"


"Hey I'm Chelsea Briggs, and today I'm here with the members of Fluorescent Feeling ." The blonde woman smiled

"Hey, looking good Chelsea." I complimented her

"Aww why thank you Lauren, it's so great to see you guys." The blonde smiled

"It's great to see you too." Justin said

"So your album is coming out next week." She said

"Yeah it's really cool, we're excited for the fans to hear it." Zayn said "And the album hasn't been leaked yet, so that's good."

"Yeah for once it hasn't be leaked." I chuckled "Well we still have a week so let's hope it doesn't."

"So how did you guys come up the band name?" Chelsea asked

"Well, we were talking about how we wanted the band to have a cool yet somewhat odd name. And after a while of thinking we narrowed it down to Fluorescent Feeling and Profound Adhesive. We really liked the first one so we went with it." I explained

"Alright so I have some questions from fans and the first one is for Lauren." Chelsea

"Alright." I nodded

"Is it true that you're dating Kendall Jenner?" She asked with a smirk

"Oh my gosh would you look at the weather and look there's a puppy!" I changed the subject

"Buy our new single Sex on iTunes!" Justin smiled and gave a thumbs up

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