4. Movie Night

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Lauren's POV

"Hey Camz." I smiled greeting the beautiful brunette

"Hey Laur." She smiled

Recently Camila and I had been spending a lot of time together. I really enjoyed spending time with her. She made me laugh with those corny jokes of hers. And I felt really comfortable around her.

But ever since she found out Kendall and I were officially a couple. She's been acting strange. Maybe she's on her period? I thought. Who knows. Maybe one of those unsolved mysteries in life perhaps?

"So what are we watching tonight?" I asked

"Well how about you pick the first movie and I'll pick the second one?" She suggested

"Sounds good to me." I nodded

"So let me find a scary one." I said looking through the movie titles.

"No not a scary one they scare me ." She pouted

"You'll be fine. I'm here and I promise if anything ever tries to kill you or anything I'll beat the shit out of them." I told her "

"Promise?" She asked

"I promise." I said

After watching a scary movie Camila sat in my lap. Her face buried in my neck.

"You're such a baby." I chuckled

"You're a meanie." She pouted looking adorable

"Whatever. Your turn to pick the movie." I said. She nodded and got up off my lap. Just then the doorbell rang.

"I'll get that." I jogged towards the door.

"Hey baby." The gorgeous model smiled

"Hey babe." I smiled seeing her. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." She hugged me

"You look adorable." I chuckled seeing my girlfriend in her bunny onsie. I gave her a peck on the lips.

"We should buy matching onesies!!" She suggested

"Yes. We can get a bunch of different onesies"  I said picturing it in my head

"Laur I-" Camila said stopping midway once she saw Kendall

"Oh Camz this is my girlfriend, Kendall. Babe, this is my friend Camila." I introduced them

"Hi nice to meet you." The woman smiled

"Nice to meet you too." Camila said smiling. It looked a little forced. Hmm wonder what that's about.

"Am I interrupting something?" My girlfriend asked

"No we were just watching some movies." Camila said

"Oh can I join?" The model asked

"Sure." I smiled

"Great." Camila said forcing a smile once more.

Camila's POV

Things were going great. Just Lauren and I hanging out together. But of course her girlfriend shows up. As much as I wanted her to leave. I forced some smiles and agreed to letting her stay.

During the second movie Kendall and Lauren were cuddling on the couch. I sat by myself on the other couch. There was more than enough but I didn't want to have to look at them together.

Lauren's POV

"You've been spending a lot of time with Camila recently." Dinah said

"Yeah she's really great." I smiled

"Do you like her?" She asked with a smirk

"As a friend yeah." I said

"No like like her?" She said

"No, we're just friends. Plus I have a girlfriend and her name is Kendall." I took a sip of my drink

"How's that going?" The Polynesian asked

"Great." I smiled thinking of my girlfriend.

"So are you excited about touring with us?" She asked me

"Yes I'm dying of excitement because I get to tour with you." I chuckled

"I'll give you a poly beat down." She threatened

"No need for that." I said

"So back to you liking Camila." Dinah changed the subject

"I don't like her that way Dinah. I have a girlfriend. Camila and I are just friends. Nothing more nothing less." I told her

"Okay sure." She said winking at me

"Dinah there's nothing there." I said

"Okay." She winked again

"Stop doing that." I started getting annoyed

"I'm just saying. As your friend I'm going to be honest. You and Camila would be great together. I mean come on Lauser think about it." She said putting her hand on my shoulder

"That's your opinion. But I like how things are with Camila just the way they are. Plus she doesn't even like me. So please drop the subject. Drop it like its hot." I told her removing her hand from my shoulder

"Okay Ralph." She said
Camila's POV

"Hey Mila." Ally smiled walking in

"Hi." I said

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Nothing." I lied

"You know you can talk to me Mila." Ally said

"Yeah I'm just tired that's all. I didn't get much sleep last night." I yawned

"Oh okay. Well I'll let you sleep then." The older one said getting up and leaving.

I laid back in my bed and sighed. My mind kept thinking of Lauren. Why couldn't she be mine. How the hell can I compete with a fucking gorgeous model. No wonder Lauren liked her. I frowned and hugged my pillow before drifting off to sleep.

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