10. Tender

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Lauren's POV

"So how far along are you?" I asked nervously

"Not very far along, the doctor said approximately five weeks." The model answered

"Wow." I said drinking my water "How do you feel about this?"

"I'm freaking out. When I got out of the doctors office you can ask Kylie I started crying. Then Khloé calmed me down." She sighed

"We'll get through this. Does anyone else know besides Kylie and Khloé?" I asked "I told Ally I hope you don't mind."

"Um, I told Kim and Kourtney but that's it. I haven't told my parents yet. And I don't mind you told Ally." She answered rubbing my hand

"Alright well I've gotta get going, babe. I made lunch plans with Camila." I stood up from the table

"Okay, I'll call you later. Bye, baby." Kendall said wrapping her arms around me she pulling me in for a quick kiss

"Bye, babe." I said after pecking her lips


"Hey, Camz!" I smiled hugging the brunette

"Hi, Laur!" She smiled hugging me back

"How're you? It's been like three hours since I've last seen you." I chuckled sitting down

"A lot can be accomplished in three hours." She laughed

"Oh, I see you." I smirked

"What?" She furrowed her eyebrows "LAUREN!" She smacked my arm once she realized what I was talking about

"I'm just saying." I laughed

"Gross." She rolled her eyes

"Weren't you the one who started at my dick?" I asked with a smirk

"We will not speak of that night." She said blushing

"That was quite the night." I chuckled "Drunk Camila is interesting."

"What are you like when you're drunk?" The younger girl asked

"Hmm, it depends. Sometimes I'm a sexual drunk, emotional drunk, philosophical drunk, and it just changes every time. It's a surprise if you will," I explained

"Sounds more exciting and interesting than me when I'm drunk." She laughed

"Oh you betcha," I grinned

"So how's that cutie Bear doing? I haven't seen him running around on the loose so I assume that's good." She smiled

"Yeah, bear is fine he's just he's humping everything lately." I laughed "Yesterday after our show when we got back on the bus he was humping a stuffed bear a fan had given to Zayn."

"Oh my gosh." Camila said breaking out in laughter

"It was funny, Zayn had his PA wash it few times though, understandable." I smiled in memory

"Are you excited to go back home?" I asked as the waitress brought our drinks

"Yeah!" She grinned "As much as I love touring I really miss my family. What about you?"

"Yeah, I miss my friends and family too." I nodded "You're from Miami too aren't you?"

"Yes." She nodded drinking her water

"Well maybe we can hang out while we're visiting our families?" I suggested

"That sounds great!" She smiled


"Hey, Lauser!" Dinah smirked heading in my direction

"Hi, Dinah." I said greeting the younger woman

"I have a question." She said wrapping her arm around me

"Mhmm, what is it?" I kinked an eyebrow

"Is it true your new song is yet again about sex." She smirked

"Oh my gosh." I rolled my eyes

"I read its kinky, something about a whip." She said giving me a look

"First of all, you need to stop clicking on articles because of their click bait titles. Second of all, okay maybe it mentions whips and handcuffs but it's not THAT sexual...... I think." I explained

"Just wait till Walz listens to it." She smirked

"Oh my gosh, Dinah." I laughed

"How's my ship coming along." She asked raising her eyebrows "Don't lie to me, Ralph. I know you like her."

"You know what fine. Just so you'll shut up about it. Yes I do like Camila a lot. There are you happy?" I confessed

"I KNEW IT!" she yelled

"Nothing's going to happen, nothing can happen." I rolled my eyes

"Why the fuck not? Camila likes you. You like Camila. Only thing in the way is Kendall. Remove Kendall, and BOOM! My ship finally sets sail." Dinah explained

"It's not that simple." I looked down "Kendall's pregnant."

"You idiot!" Next thing I knew Dinah smacked my arm

"OW!" I groaned then she hit me two more times


"That's for being stupid, for hurting Camila, and for sinking my damn ship." Dinah said

"I didn't do any of it on purpose!" I defended

"You got Kendall Jenner pregnant. Do you realize half your fame from now on won't be from your music. It'll be because you're known as that girl from Fluorescent Feeling who got Kendall Jenner pregnant." She shook her head

"I know I fucked up." I sighed "You think I love the fact I'm going to have a kid with Kendall? Even though sometimes I'll be walking around and the smallest thing will remind me of Camila? I know I fucked up big time I just I don't know what I can do."

"You'll work it out, Ralph." Dinah said hugging me

"You're hugging me." I chucked

"I tried to be nice." Dinah rolled her eyes ending the hug

"Aww, you're so tender." I smiled "Screw Camren, Norminah, and Kenren. Laurinah is the real ship here."

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