My Dear (Name)-chan, I Love You

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You turned to the other side of the hall you were in, to see your favorite
Blonde haired man run towards you. As he lunged at you to cling onto your waist, he ended up knocking the both of you onto the ground of airship 2, with him laying on top of you.
"(N-name)-chan!" He sobbed into your stomach as he desperately clung onto your waist like a child. "Y-yogi-kun, what's wrong?". He looked up at you from your waist, making the a cute face that rivaled with Nai's and sobbed "I can't find my favorite Nyanperona Plush!". You started to pet his head and play with his soft hair as you calmed him down "Shhh, Its ok Yogi-kun. I'll help you find it.". You pulled him up and hugged him, still petting his hair. This is one thing the blonde man loved about you, you had motherly instincts that took over the second you saw either him, Nai, or Tsukumo cry. Of course he would've added Gareki to that list, but Gareki would never let you calm him down, let alone would he cry in front of anyone. Yogi sobbed into your shoulder for a minute before saying in between sobs "o-ok, (Name)-chan.". As he pulled himself off the floor, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to his chest, making you blush.

As you both walked to Yogi's room, you could swear you saw a blush on his face when you took hold of his hand. Once you entered the room, you immediately saw his favorite Nyanperona plush on his bed. "Yogi-kun, Nyanperona is right on your bed-" you were cut off by the tall blonde mans arms wrapping around your waist. "(Name)-chan, that's not what I brought you here for.". He Nuzzled into the crook of your neck, and whispered in your ear "I needed to tell you how I feel about you". You felt him put a quick peck on your neck as he turned you around to face him. "(N-name)-chan, you are the light of my life! You make my heart pound in my chest when I'm near you! I Love You (Name)!" He almost yelled. You stared at his violet eyes and said "I love you too, Yogi-kun". As you said that, you wrapped your arms around his neck and softly put your lips to his. His violet orbs were wide with shock, but soon closed gently and kissed back.

Gareki's POV:

We heard someone yelling something but couldn't make out the words. Me and Nai walked towards Yogi's room since the yelling came from there. As I opened the door, I said "the hell are you yelling abo-" I was cut off by the sight of (name) and Yogi kissing. I furrowed my eyebrows and asked "The hell is going on?!". They both pulled away, finally noticing me, and blushed. They held their hands in front of them snaking their heads
"I-its not what it looks like!". "Really? Cause it looks like both of you were making out!" I exclaimed. (Name) just replied "I tripped over one of
Yogi-kun's Nyanperona's and fell! It just looked different from what happened!". I just che'd and walked out pulling Nai out with me.

Normal POV:

You sighed. "That was close" Yogi stated. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his bed. "C'mon (name)-chan, let's have a nap together". You nodded.

Extended Ending:

As you layer there, awake in Yogi's bed, the said male had wrapped his arms around your waist and had his head resting against your breasts. You couldn't help but smile at how cute he was when he was asleep. "I love you, Yogi." You whispered to your childish boyfriend. As you fell asleep you felt him lay a kiss to your chest, as he said "I love you too, (Name).".

Authors note: Kyaaaaa!!!! Kawaii!!! Tell me if you have a Karneval character you want a fanfic for!!!! *hugs Nai* your just too cute Nai!!!
Nai: *smiles*
Yogi: *sulking* I want a hug....

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