Karoku x abused!Child Reader

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Authors note: omg... I'm finally updating something...

Your POV:

I ran through the dark forest, my delicate body bruised and beaten. I had bags under my eyes, and bruises on my wrists and ankles from the shackles that once took my freedom. Tears stained my cheeks as I kept running, tripping and falling here and then from how tired I was. I ran into a clearing, the moon shone down on the grass as it swayed in the wind. what was left of my ripped and torn dress, swayed in the wind gently with my (long/short) (h/c) hair . A man stood in the middle of the clearing, his hair a light blue color. He turned around to look at me with his blue eyes that shined in the moonlight. "Oh, sorry I didn't see you there." He apologized. Upon closer inspection on me, he looked shocked to see my small, beaten body. He rushed to me as I fell to the ground, barely clinging to consciousness. He picked up my small form and quickly started running somewhere. I slowly closed my eyes as darkness took over my vision. The last thing I heard was "you'll be ok, don't worry".

*a few months later*

I woke up, opening my eyes to see Karoku, sleeping peacefully next to me, his soft blue hair hung in his face. I smiled and sat up, stretching before getting up to make breakfast. I started a small fire in the stove, putting more wood am in and making it hot enough to cook something over. We lived in a small abandoned cabin, it's Windows were broken and the door was barely on its hinges, but it was surprisingly homey. I smiled and looked over at the bed as I heard a groan and riffing of bed sheets. Karoku was sitting up, smiling at me sleepily. "Good morning (Y/n)." He said softly. I smiled "Morning Karoku" I said, continuing to make eggs for our breakfast. When I finished, I brought his over to him and handed it t him before sitting down beside him, eating my own. He quickly ate his and hummed in happiness "that was even better than yesterday's. You're getting better at cooking" he said, placing the plate down and yawning. I put my plate down and leaned my head against his chest "I love you Karoku..." I mumbled. He smiled and stroked hair gently "I love you too (Y/n)." He said softly. Karoku was like an older brother to me. He saved me and protected me. I loved him with all my heart, and would  give anything to make him happy.

My childhood was perfect. My Parents were the best, and my brother Hei loved me dearly. My brother was stuck bedridden, born with a weak body, but he was the best. One day though, a group of people, calling themselves Kafka, took them away from me. My Parents were killed, and my brother was taken by them. I was put in chains and shackles, beaten and starved. I escaped from there, and ran as far as I could from that place. That's when I met Karoku. He took me in and treated me like a little sister.

He loved me.

Authors note: sorry for the short chapter and lack of updates. I recently found out that I have a swollen liver and spleen, as well as high blood cell levels, I also have H-piorly (I might have spelled That wrong). But I'm not feeling too good and I apologize for not updating.

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