A Nap With Nai!

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Authors note: I'm updating!!! Yyyyaaaaaaaaayyyy!!! Enjoy! You're the same age as Nai and a bit shorter than him in this fanfic.

Warning: cuteness and Fatherly Yogi! If you can't handle either, don't read!

(Name)'s POV:

I was skipping through the halls of Airship 2, playing with the sheep. I saw Nai walking through the halls with Gareki and Yogi, chatting with them and being his usual irresistibly cute self. I ran towards them and lunged at Nai as I squealed "Nai-chan!!!!". I pulled Nai into a tight hug as I pressed my cheek against his. "(N-Name)-san?!" He asked surprised. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him speaking "Nai, if you don't stop being so cute everyone is gonna fall for you! What would I do if my poor sweet Nai-chan was constantly being chased?!". Nai sweat dropped as he mumbled "s-sorry (Name)-San...". Yogi pulled me off of Nai as he said "C'mon (Name), stop being so protective of him. He's a big boy, I'm sure he can handle himself for five minutes on Airship 2.". I playfully glared at the said blonde man as I said "he needs protecting from creeps like him!" I pointed towards Gareki. Gareki glared at me as he growled "I'm not a creep!!!". I stuck my tongue out at him as I said "ya you are!". His eye twitched before he tried to attack me, but was stopped by Nai. "D-dont hurt her Gareki!" He demanded. Gareki stopped and looked at Nai with a 'you serious' face. I struggled out of Yogi's hold and gave a quick peck to Nai's cheek before starting to walk away. I looked back and blew a kiss towards Nai as I said "thanks Nai-chan, come play hide-an-seek with me later!". Nai blushed as he said "o-ok....". I ran off before Gareki or Yogi could chase me.

Time skip~

I was in my room laying on my giant Nyanperona floor plush, listening to music and reading. I heard a knock on the door before hearing it open. I looked back to see Nai walk in. "H-hi, (Name)-san. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out with me?" He asked. I nodded my head and patted the spot next to me on my Nyanperona floor plush as I said "come lay down with me!". Like Yogi's room, my room was covered in Nyanperona plushies and limited edition bedding, curtains, and even wallpaper. Nai walked over and layer next to me. I set me book down and cuddled up to him, making him blush deep red. "Wanna take a nap?" I asked. He nodded in response. We closed our eyes and started to fall asleep.

Extended ending:

Yogi's POV:

I walked to (Name)'s room to ask her if she and Nai wanted to play hide and sleep. I knocked on the door and waited a few moments, there was no answer. I slowly opened the door and peeked around the Nyanperona covered room. I saw (Name) and Nai laying on her giant Nyanperona floor plush, both sleeping peacefully. I smiled and walked in, grabbing an extra blanket that she kept in her room. I gently laid it over the two of them. I placed a quick kiss to each of their foreheads before turning off the lights and leaving.

Authors note: that was actually the most adorable thing I've ever written... Sorry for the short chapter. I need requests for the next person you guys want a chapter on!!!!

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