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Aasia Ahmed khan reverted to Islam along with her family 9 years ago when she was 11 years old. She lost her family a month after they reverted to Islam. After the accident was when Siddique family found her, adopted her and treated her as their own family member, to which she was forever grateful.

Ibrahim Mustafa Ali, the son of The Mafia Boss. Who had his own dreams which didn't include being a Mafia. He was left with no choice when his father died and he was the only one to take up the kingdom or loose it to the enemies but he didn't give up on his dreams and his father's Kingdom.


I am really sorry for such short description but any further description would just spoil the suspense and mystery of the book.


Common information and normal stuffs.

1) really slow updates, I am so sorry in advance... I will try to update ASAP and In sha Allah once Everything settles in, the updates would be regular....

2) If you have any problem with my book or any part of it, please privately message me. I would really appreciate it.

3)All the characters and places in the book are my imagination, any resemblance to a person or a place is merely a coincidence.

4) please pray for the entire ummah. May Allah help the ummah through every thick and thins, May He the almighty guide us all and keep us firm in his religion. Ameen.


Copyright © 2016 by Fouzia_Shaykh
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the permission of the publisher.

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