The urge to kiss his leader.

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If this is damnation, i would gladly accept it.

Simon is as usual up all night watching Nicholas Cage movies, reading, gaming and everything.

He didn't exactly go out frequently, but he started cultivating good relationships with the rest of the clan members who never left him feeling unwelcomed.

But he can't exactly explain his feelings. He could feel his heart pumping again even though he is resurrected. He flustered infront of his clan leader, like a frightened boy. He often feels the urge to just pull those nice jacket of Raphael's and kiss him till the sun rise and down.

His clan leader had pretty lips and eyes. Good choice of clothing was something Simon couldn't deny. Raphael has great fashion sense. All of this small things often drive Simon crazy, insanely crazy. He feels the urge to avoid his Clan leader as much as he wants to see him. He couldn't just pull those nice jacket of his and kiss him.

"Baby, baby vampire?"
"Lily? What brought you here?"
"It's Raphael, he's bringing you to a hunt later."
"Not again! It's like the third time in the week! I'm tired... Can i not go?"
"Fat hope fledgling."
"Can i-"

Lily was by then long gone, leaving the two alone. Simon made a pouting face before lying back on bed defeated. Covering himself with the blanket he brought from home, he kept shaking his head muttering 'no'. Trying very hard to brainwash himself into no hunting wasn't exactly very helpful when his Clan leader is obviously smirking at his dorky actions above those nice silk blanket.

"It's not going to help, you are going to the hunt later, baby."
"It's the third time in the week!"
"Ya, exactly! It's the third time in the week and you're not improving."
"Ya ya, I'm not improving. I should have just accept Stan's request to train me."
"No, we're going to hunting. And I'm your sire, i have the obligation to train you."
"Yup yup, now can i have my sleep before we go for hunting?"

Raphael nodded his head lightly, taking one last glance of Simon before leaving the room quietly. Simon toss and turn, struggling to sleep as nightmares came, again. Dreams of rising from the ashes, craving for blood, massacring innocents. He is screaming, blood curling type of screaming. Terrified voice shaking, all hoarse. Till he was pulled into a warming hug and a soothing voice comforted him. A voice with deep spanish accent.

"Simon, you're a good boy, now don't be afraid and go to sleep peacefully okay?"

Words seem to work and Simon slowly closes his half opened eyes, drifting in to the sea of sleep. The last thing he heard was 'Te Amo, Simon. "

He didn't exactly know the meaning, but he roughly knows that it's about love.

'Is he telling me to have a lovely sleep? Or what?'

Forgoing Spanish classes really is a terrible mistake for Simon now since he is a vampire who in love with a spanish vampire. It was a terrible mistake.

Simon slept throughout the day and woke up after the sun set. He felt something cold in the dark room, even though it was dark, he could see someone's presence. There is a person in the room.

His hands went to pull the blankets but he was abruptly stopped by a groan. He recognized the voice, it is Raphael.

Raphael made a slight groan pulling Simon down and tugging him towards his chest. Raphael went back to sleep after cuddling Simon and Simon was in a mortified mode. He didn't know what to do and he stood still till he fall back asleep, snoring softly.

- Raphael's POV

I pulled Simon towards me and cuddled him tightly. I know he didn't know i was awake, i couldn't possibly fall asleep with him sleeping beside me. But i didn't wanted him to leave, i want him.

He didn't move an inch until he is asleep. His eyelashes were like butterflies fluttering their wings. So delicate. Milk like skin gave Simon a porcelain doll feels, someone to be treated delicately.

My lips lightly pecked his, but this was just an opening to hell lot of unstoppable. His lips are so soft, cherry tasted. I felt him fidgeted, and his eyes slowly opened. Almost frantically, i pulled away but Simon pulled me back for a kiss.

"I finally kissed you."

He tasted sweet, like candies.

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