Chapter Four

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Firepaw let out a long sigh. He was hungry and wished he had not been caught. Sandstorm could have helped me, Firepaw thought. He couldn't blame her for just leaving him though, seeing as she thought he loved Spottedleaf, a former ThunderClan medicine cat.

Paws poked him at the side and he lifted his head, spotting the small tortoiseshell-and-white she-kit Sorrelkit. The kit didn't seem to be afraid of him after he was accused of being a traitor. She seemed to be happy.

"Sorrelkit, you shouldn't be near me," Firepaw advised. "You'll get into serious trouble by Tigerstar." Sorrelkit gave a shrug.

"I'm bored and Sootkit and Rainkit don't want to play with me right now," she replied. "I thought I could see you." But I'm a traitor, Firepaw thought. You shouldn't be going near one.

"You can play with Snowkit," Firepaw pointed out. Sorrelkit shook her head.

"Snowkit doesn't seem to understand a word I say. He just looks at me like he doesn't know what I'm on about." Sorrelkit let out a sigh, settling herself on the ground. "I wish I was an apprentice now. I wouldn't have to be stuck in the camp all day while the other apprentices get to go out."

"You'll be an apprentice soon," Firepaw promised. "You just have to wait a moon or two."

"That's ages away!" Sorrelkit complained. She was startled by a booming voice full of anger. The kit whipped around, frozen to the spot, as she saw Dustpelt. His amber eyes were blazing with anger and Sorrelkit retreated slightly.

"Why are you talking to a traitor to your own Clan?" Dustpelt questioned the kit. "Get away from him-- now!" Sorrelkit was too afraid to say anything so she just gave a nod as she began walking swiftly back to the nursery. Firepaw watched and then looked at Dustpelt.

"Dustpelt, surely you know I'm not a traitor? We were apprentices together for a short amount of time." Dustpelt let out a snort.

"And hedgehogs will fly if you're not one after the crimes you did. Tigerstar's word is the law and if he says you're a traitor, so be it." The dark tabby warrior's voice was a growl as he glared down at the ginger tom. Surely Dustpelt wouldn't agree with Tigerstar even though he held a grudge against him?

"What crimes did I do?" Firepaw asked. He could recall sticking to the warrior code. Even though he was born a kittypet, he had always followed StarClan's laws. It was Tigerstar who was the traitor but the TigerClan leader blamed his actions onto Firepaw so he'd get away with it.

"You killed Runningwind," Dustpelt replied with a snarl. "You got dogs to kill him. I'm guessing you used him as bait for the dogs to attack our camp and murder Tigerstar like you did with Bluestar." Sadness fell over Firepaw. Runningwind was dead?

At the corner of his eyes, Firepaw saw Brindleface and Brackenfur dragging Runningwind's body into the camp. Runningwind's claws were unsheathed as if he put up a fight. His eyes were open, staring out with terror in his eyes. I'm so sorry, Runningwind. I should have saved you from an unnecessary death, Firepaw thought.

He had admired Runningwind; he was a good warrior like his sister, Mousefur, and was pretty swift. He had a long life ahead of him and now it was torn away because of a pack of dogs. Tigerstar walked out of his den and began trotting over to the three cats. He began to speak but Firepaw couldn't hear what he was saying.

"I hope you're satisfied now, traitor," Dustpelt muttered and began walking away. Yes, Firepaw was outside TigerClan, but he had stayed in WindClan. He had nothing to do with the dogs that killed Runningwind. Then Firepaw realised a Gathering was going to be held later. Would Tigerstar announce Firepaw was being held captive-would Tallstar even report some of TigerClan's warriors are staying in WindClan?

Warrior Cats Fanfiction: The Changed Clan #1: The Dark LeadershipWhere stories live. Discover now