Chapt. 5~ Kick Me

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March 2, 2009
12:48 a.m.

I quietly open the door to my dark home. Quiet, dark, still. Like the weather right before a tornado tears through ripping homes apart. I know he's here. He knows I'm here. He's not asleep, just waiting for me. I begin to walk towards the stairs when i feel him grab my shoulder crushing my collarbone hard.
"Where were you!?" His deep voice echoed.

"With a friend I made at school." I said sheepishly like a young child.

"Until 1 in the morning! Cameron I don't believe bullshit like that!" He yanked me around to face him then striking my cheek, knocking me to the ground.

"Get up! Your staying in this house until I say other wise!" I slowly stood and when I did he shoved me onto the stairs. I hit my ribs hard and tears boiled out of my eyes.

"Go to your room!" He then drug me up the stairs by my hair to my room. I was unable to get my balance so I fell to the for when he let go of my hair.

"Your staying right here till I say otherwise!" He slammed the door locking it from the outside.

"I'm leaving forever someday." I whispered so he wouldn't hear me.

I woke up to my alarm once more and slowly raised up. There was a sharp pain in both my ribcage and head. My vision was blurry at first but it steadied. I turned off my alarm and saw a plate with toast, eggs, and bacon with a glass of orange juice. Kara? She's my dad's 'girlfriend' or slut. She's nice though. If I'm locked in my room she'll bring me food our talk for a while. She's the closest thing to a mom I have although she never will fill the spot. No matter how much silicon she puts in her boobs.

I had 8 messages and 4 missed calls.

Andy: hey...
Andy: u mad?
Andy: r u ok?
Andy: listen, I'm sorry about what happened in the car. I got out of hand. Hell you should've slapped me. I'm really sorry, your a great girl. Please don't hate me.
Andy: fine don't forgive me. I don't give a fuck. I don't fucking care if I see you again.

Sandra: the fuck you at girl it's 8!

3 missed calls Andy
1 missed call Sandra

God I love Sandra. Andy shouldn't be sorry I lead him on. I don't know if I can take much longer of my dad. I'm pretty sure Andy hates me now. I began to sit up and the pain worsened.

"Agh!" I yelled loudly as I stood and walked to my bed.

"Fuck." I sighed and grabbed the picture of my mom.

"I miss you mom, I always will. Dad might have broke my ribs last night but I'll be ok. I also meet a guy yesterday. You know, the one I've spoke about before? The hot one? Andy. During lunch he took me out to eat and we kinda didn't go back to school. I'm sorry. But he showed me around town and a bunch of cool places. I even saw Billie Joe Armstrong! He's really cute in person. Oh and Andy is kinda my boyfriend now. He kissed me to. It was great. We're going to prom together and I got my lip pierced! Hot Topic also have me a dress. It's really pretty. Andy also took me to the boardwalk where I road a really scary ride. It scared the shit out of me. Oh sorry about cussing. I love you mom. I think I'm gonna come live with you soon. See you soon maybe. Love you!" I set the picture down with tears flowing down my face. I grabbed a blade and my phone.

Me: Andy it's fine I'm sorry for leading you on. I can't be your girlfriend or go to prom with you. Don't look for me at school. I'm leaving for good. Bye.

Me: Sandra you've always been my bestfriend and nobody could ever replace you. Join Andy's band and do what you love. I'm sorry I won't see your first concert. Love you!

I then powered my phone off and sat it down. The blade I keep under my mom's picture then danced across my veins aggressively. I walked to my bathroom and started the bathwater. I changed into the dress I got yesterday and put on my black Chuck Taylor's. I brushed my hair and did my make up. Then I put on my mother's locket. I never where it because I don't want to lose it. I then got in the warm water and began creating my masterpiece once again. I slowly drift away from conscience to a deep, dark, sleep.

Soon red water was going to the floor. Good bye world. Good bye agony.

I'm sorry Cami I didn't mean to get onto you so bad last chapter! This is very trigger active if you couldn't tell at the begging of the chapter. Sorry guys. If you self harm just know the end is not the answer. I have self harmed myself and I realized it hurts the people you care about more than it helps you. If you guys want to talk to me feel free to send me a message. I'm rarely on here but I'll try to reply when I can!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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