Chapt. 4~ Situations

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March 1, 2009
6:05 p.m.

I forced my way back to reality and saw Andy smiling while pushing me. A smile credit onto my face and memories began to melt away. The darkness was lit up by his light. I found myself laughing, I felt happy. He pushed me then hopped on and sat across from me. We slowly spun around and I caught his gaze. He has a sparkle in his eyes like a little star.

"Some day I would like to kiss you." He said softly with a sight smirk. My cheeks turned scarlet red from that comment.

"I would like that very much." I smiled and we were spinning in slow circles.

He began to lean towards me and I did the same. I'm going to have my first kiss, on a tire swing, in a park, with the guy I've had a crush on since i first met him. I could feel his breath close to my face then the swing got off balance and we fell. Great. I can't win ever! We but started laughing on the ground.

"I think that was a fail." I laughed and he helped me up.

"It's amost sunset already, let's go by the boardwalk." We walked back to the car holding hands.

All the way back we sang along to my music. He is great. He has so many great qualities. He's funny, intelligent, caring, and special. I don't know what it is but something sticks out about him. Soon we pulled up and parked.

"First thing we are riding is The Zipper. Your gonna scream your head off."

We stood in line and said hi to random people then laughed. When we got on and got strapped in. I was nervous already. Andy grabbed my hand and smiled at me. The ride slightly moved and I screamed. Andy erupted in laughter. Sun we were going fast spinning out of control. I screamed the whole time yelling all kinds of interesting insults.

"That was great we have to ride more like that." Andy was laughing hysterically.

"It was fun but scared the shit out of me! I have never rode anything like that!"

"Let's go ride the ferris wheel, calm you down." He smiled and gave me a piggyback ride there.

"This isn't scary, I've seen them in movies." I felt relieved.

When we got on he put his arm around me and we went up. We went around a couple times and it stopped at the top. They must be letting people off.

"All the sunset is beautiful but it's nothing compared to you." He smiled and I low into his eyes. They're bluer than the ocean.

He leaned over and I felt his lips touch mine. I felt the world stop instantly. We were the only people alive. Our lips began to part but I closed the space, I wasn't ready to stop. I loved the high it gave me. He put a hand on the back of my head, I had a hand on his cheek. Soon we began moving and we broke the kiss. I might not have spent much time with him, but I know I will be.

After a few more rides it was night. Pitch black besides the stars. I now am the proud owner of a huge, stuffed,  panda. This was my first trip to a carnival our anything like a fair and I loved it. Now Andy said he wants to show me one last place and he'll take me home.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere amazing, you'll love it." He sped up quickly.

We are going through hills with trees. We saw some deer and I now want a baby deer. He stopped the car at a cliff that over looks all of L.A.

"I love this place and decided I should share it with you." He smiled and we got out then sat on the hood of the car. I can't stop thinking about how his lips felt on mine.

"Andy, does this mean we are, y'know, dating?" I asked and he had his arm around me.

"Yeah, if you want."

"Yeah, I do." I smiled awkwardly.

"I feel like I know you so well, like we've been friends forever." He said to me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"I know the feeling."

"Can I tell you something I've never told anyone?" Why am I telling him this? Nobody but me and my mom knew about this, here I am telling my crush my secrets.

"Yeah, I won't tell nobody."

"I don't know my real parents, I'm going to find out on my 18 birthday, can you come with me?"

"Yeah, I'll come with you and find out what beautiful people made you.

"Thanks Andy."

"No problem beautiful."

He gently leaned over and his lips brushed mine once more. I felt the same electricity as before. I think that I'm falling for him in one day.

"It's about midnight, I poetically should get you home. Do you want anything to eat first?"

"No, I'm fine." We got in the car and reality began rushing back to me.

My dad, Kevin, is going to be waiting. He knows I skipped. He knows I'm out past curfew. Will he hit me this time? Lock me in my room again? Starve me? I have to face him soon. Only a few more weeks, then I'm free.

"Here we are." He said parking the car.

"Yup." We sat there fur a minute. I was trying nut to cry.

"Cami, if you need anything you know where I am."

"Yeah, good night." I kissed him expecting just a quick kiss. I began to pull away but he closed the space. I felt his tongue on my lips, I wanted to stop him but I couldn't. He had a hand behind my head. Intertwined my fingers in his hair and tugged at it expecting him to stop. He has leaned over across me and I'm pinned down. I felt a hand travel down my side to the hem of my shirt. This needs to stop but what do I do? I want him to kiss me but I don't want anymore now.

"Andy," I mumbled against his lips. He moved his lips down to my neck. My breath hitched in my throat.

"S-stop." I stuttered and he did then made eye contact with me.

"Cami, if you want me to stop just say it. I thought you wanted this." He got off of me and sat up right in the drivers seat.

"I wanted to kiss you, I'm just not quite ready. I don't know, I'm falling with a lot of stuff, I'll text you."

"It's ok, you don't have to. You're probably not really that into me anyway." He said after I got out and closed the the door.

I lead him on to say no. It's my fault really. I kiss him and say no.

Awe Cami it's not your fault! He's just whiny! Poor Cami now she has to deal with Kevin. Let's see how that works out.

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