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"There he is!" Someone shouted.

I turned behind to bang into someone.
"Hi, I am Elmore Steve." A voice trailed from the person I banged into.

I rubbed my temples and looked at the person.

I widened my eyes on seeing the person. I gulped loudly while he had a smirk and his blue eyes twinkled.

''E-Elmore Steve?" I managed to ask and the boy nodded with the same smirk.

"Elmore," Ken came forth while I had my jaw dropped down. "This is Katie, she'll interview us."

And if you are thinking why was I so shocked then let me tell you, Elmore Steve is no one else but the the person whose car banged into Lyme's today morning and whom I threatened to get my car repaired before noon and of course, I yelled at him in public!

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I removed his card from my pocket.

Name:-Elmore Steve
Age:- 21
Profession:- International football player.
Contact number:- 9********0


''Why were you late?" Asked Ken.

"Actually, I had to get a Mercedes repaired." Said Elmore looking at me sheepishly.

"Mercedes?" Ken raised his eyebrows in confusion. Elmore shook his head with a smirk on his lips. I awkwardly grinned at him.

Then I had my head down like searching greenery in the marbled floor.

And if you say anything could be more embarrassing than this than damn your notions. Like who goes around in front of the road shouting at a celebrity in public? Loons?

"Katie," Lun arrived. "There's a call for you from some Ly-" She suddenly stopped.

Her eyes widened on seeing something behind me.


I literally had to close my ears. Her voice was no better than a mermaid singing out of the water.

She was jumping and of course had become the centre of attraction of our office. Elmore had a casual look on his face, like he had experienced this a million times before.

It took aeons to calm her down. She finally took a selfie with Elmore before collapsing down. Yeah, she literally fainted on having a selfie with Elmore.

"Mr Michelin," I addressed Ken. "I'll meet you and your team tomorrow in the studio for now please excuse me." I said, gesturing at Luna, who just fainted. Atleast she was an excuse to rush out of the embarrassing situation. I tried not to meet my eyes with Elmore's.

"I am sorry Elmore Steve, what happened wasn't my fault?" I said looking at the mirror of my room.

"No, this will be too direct." I said.
"O-kay so Mr. Steve what happened today was something that shouldn't have happened?"

"Nah, not strong enough." I said. I looked back at the mirror. "I apologise you for today as I didn't know that you were Elmore Steve?"

"Dumbest I could ever think of," I mentally scolded myself. "What would Elmore think when I didn't know him?"

"Are you talking to your own dumb self?" Said Tory as she jumped on our bed. "Cause I'm sure I am not listening."

"You won't believe what happened today!" I jumped besides her, on our fluffy bed.

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