Drayton Homes

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"Good morning team." I wished. The team smiled at me. "I am Katie Holmes and I'll be interviewing you."
I repeated for a new member, who wasn't present yesterday, Drayton Homes, the coach of the England team.

"This is Lucan," I said and Lucan who was besides me with the camera grinned. "He will be shooting the interview."

"So," I said. "I will call you all one by one. Enter according to your names and I recon the captain's missing?" I looked around for Elmore who was indeed missing. The whole of the team was there except Elmore who, with, Drayton Homes was the focal point of today's interview.

"He's late," Said Ken, Elmore's best friend. "He had to arrange for some dinner. He'll be here sooner."

When he mentioned dinner, I realised that I wasn't yet convinced with today's offer of the "dinner", which, my best friends, called, "unnamed date".

Insane those two. If a girl goes out with a guy for a dinner, alone, it doesn't have to be a date? Okay, practically yes but a little bit of common sense out here, out of trillions of desperate girls why would Elmore choose me, a normal common journalist who went and insulted him ignorantly in public? And this is the main reason why I suspect this "unnamed date/ dinner".

"Dinner?" Asked Drayton Homes, the coach. His red eyes, similar to mine, narrowed. He was quite old, like in fifties. He had pot- belly, however was quite convincing in bed, according to the rumours. He played with many ladies. Getting them pregnant and then forcing them to abortion.

"Yeah, dinner." Said Ken looking sheepishly at me. I felt my cheeks go hot.

"As soon as he comes," I said changing the topic. "Send him in, he's first followed by Mr. Drayton Homes." I smiled at him. He smiled back.

I hate his smile. It was soooo fake, like that of each celebrities.

With hustle, I entered our office studio where I was to interview them. Like Foster said yesterday,
"My dear girl, remember, this interview, I give you because of the upwards pressure and also remember, Elmore Steve and Drayton Homes are most to be interviewed. I give a damn to those of the others. Girls want Steve and ladies, Drayton and believe me, I find this a fair chance to fire you. So if you can, make mistakes to give me an opportunity. Now leave!"

"I will make no mistake, Monster- I mean, Foster." I said and corrected myself immediately. He gave me an evil smile and whispered.

"Believe me, my lady. That's what I want you to do."

That's one the reasons I call him EARTH-DWELLING-MONSTER.

"Elmore's here." Said Lucan as he went outside to check something. I removed my notepad and my pen. Elmore Steve entered the studio and closed the door behind him. Without Lucan, for now, we were alone in the studio.

He looked at me and gave me a smile.

"I hope we are on?" He asked.

On? No. He might avenge me. I don't want to go for this dinner. Not at all but I can't refuse him either? What do I say?

"Miss Holmes?" He asked.
"Huh?" I asked as I straightened my pleated short skirt.


"Cameras on," Lucan's voice cut him off. He entered the studio and I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay," I said gratefully. "Let's get started."

Elmore shook his head for some reason. He nodded signifying to start.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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