Chapter 14- Part 1

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It's a long one!! So there will be a part 1 and a part 2.

Enjoy part 1!! Love, El


** Next Day **

"You're not going out there on the day before Christmas Eve!" My mother shouted at me. I grabbed the bag of presents I had gotten for the boys and began going outside, ignoring my mother. "Did you not hear me?" I grabbed my bike and began my journey to the boys'.

I was almost frozen to death by the time I made it. My hands were frozen, along with my face. My boots did little to keep my feet warm. My teeth were chattering and I was shaking. I grabbed the bag and went to the door. Before I could lift my arm in the air the door opened. Zayn smiled so big and then picked me up.

"You're so cold, love." I wrapped my arms around him tighter, loving the warmth. He chuckled and shut the door. "HARRY?" He sang. "Your girlfriend is here. She's freezing by the way." Next thing I heard was clashing and then a bang. I looked and seen Harry standing up. If I could, I'd probably laugh.

"Babe, I was going to pick you up." He said and grabbed me. His hair was wet, like he just got done showering- it smelt good too, like coconuts.

"I-I ca-couldn't w-wa-wait."

"Zayn? Can you run up to my room and grab some things for me?"

"What kind of things?"

"Already on it." Lou yelled and ran down the stairs. Harry set me down and grabbed the things. After taking my coat off, he put an oversized jumper over my head. Then he bent down and placed a pair of sweats on me. He took off my wet boots and placed multiple pairs of socks on my feet. Liam ran in and seen me then ran out and came back with gloves. Harry then picked me up and we sat on the couch. Niall threw him a blanket and he covered me with it. Then another one. He pulled me close to him. I shivered against him and he pulled me on his lap.

As the time went by my chattering teeth stopped and I was becoming warm.

"Better?" Harry asked. I looked down at him and nodded.

"Thank you."

"You have to stop riding your bike over here in the snow, baby." He placed his warm hand on my still cold cheek. "I don't want you hurt." I smiled and leaned down. I kissed him and then rested my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead.

"You two," Niall flipped his hand like a girl and then walked past us.

"Are so flippin adorable." Louis finished, walking behind him.

"Smile." Zayn said and took a picture. He then ran off. I shook my head and sighed.

"I'm going to-"

"It's Christmas, Haz." Liam and I said together.

"Can we open presents now?? Please? Please?" Niall, Liam, and Louis asked jumping up and down in front of me.

"Sure." They smiled and cheered and ran to the tree. Harry and Zayn came in the room holding hot cups of tea. Harry handed me mine and kissed my cheek.

"I really didn't know what to get you boys, to be honest. I've never really done this kind of thing." Zayn lazily put his arm around my shoulder.

"Anything you got me will be absolutely perfect." He smiled.

"LI!! NO!! Do. Not. Shake. It." I said slowly. He looked up at me with wide eyes then slowly set the box down. He looked at me then the box and then back to the box. He tore the wrappings very fast and smiled when he seen what I had gotten him.

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