Chapter 33

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*** Next Day ***

"How did everyone sleep?" Paul asked when we all sat in the kitchen.

"Great." Some yelled.

"Good." Others yelled.

"I hated it!" Louis yelled. He crossed his arms and spun around in the chair by the counter. We all looked at him. "I got yelled at because I was too loud." He pouted.

"We all didn't take a nap before we got off the plane." Dani said sitting by me. Harry slide the white board over to me. I grabbed it and smiled when there was a picture of Louis in baby form. I erased if before he would see.

"Can we go to the beach?" Perrie asked.

"When everyone else gets up." Louis said and ran off to his room.

"What's his problem?" She asked pointing behind her.

"He's on his period." I laughed.

"Belle?" Harry croaked.

"Babe, stop talking. Please. It's only for the best." I said and placed my hands on his face. He closed his eyes and nodded. "What do you want, handsome?" I sighed. He opened his eyes and grabbed the board.

'Can we go to the beach?' He wrote. I smiled and nodded.

"Lets go." He smiled like a little kid and grabbed my hand. "Harry and I are going to the beach. Anyone who wants to come can." I yelled. Harry and I had quickly gotten ready.

When we came out of our room almost everyone was ready.

"Louis and I will be down in a few minutes." Eleanor said.

"Belle?" Logan asked. I turned to him. "Since we are cousins will you do me a huge favor?" We got to the beach and Perrie, Dani, and I had chosen a nice place to keep our things.

"What?" I sighed. Harry tugged on my arm. "Hold on, Haz." From the corner of my eye I seen him throw his head back.

"See that girl over there? At the bar." I looked over his shoulder to the blonde headed girl. She was with some other girls and they were laughing.

"What about her?" Harry wrapped his arms around me from behind. He began walking backwards. Logan glared at Harry.

"Will you go talk to her for me?"

"Be a man." Harry said.

"I will duct tape your mouth if you don't stop talking." I threatened. He began walking a bit faster.

"Please." He begged. I sighed and unwrapped Harry's arms from me. He groaned and I turned around to see Harry glaring at Logan. I went up to the bar and the bartender came to me. I looked over to the girl who was giggling.

"Just a soda." I smiled. He nodded and went to the cooler. I gave him the money. The girls friends had left to go to the washroom. I took the opportunity to take the seat next to her. She looked at me and I smiled to her.

"Hi, I'm Belle." I smiled. She returned the smile.


"So I'm just going to say it." Her eyes became wide and she stared at me curiously. "See that guy right over there? The one in the white swim trunks?" She looked over and Logan smiled. She turned back to me and she was smiling with a light blush.

"What about him?"

"He begged me to come over here to ask if you would like to hang out sometime."

"Does he make you do that to all the girls he likes?" She laughed. I laughed along with her.

"No. He actually just got out of this big relationship and he's a little shy after the big breakup." I sort of lied. Logan broke up with her. Lacey placed her hand on her chest.

"That's horrible."

"I know. It was their year anniversary and he got her some tulips and she threw a fit because they weren't her favorite color and broke up with him."

"What a bitch!"

"Tell me about it. He's afraid to give a girl any more flowers."

"Aww, poor thing." I nodded. "Can you tell him to come over here?" Logan owes me.

"He would love that." I smiled. I got up and grabbed the soda. I walked over to Logan. Harry was impatiently waiting. I gave Logan the soda.


"I lied a bit. So you're heart broken because your girlfriend of a year broke up with you because you gave her the wrong colored tulips. The girl feels sorry for you. She wants you to go over there right now." Harry took no time in picking me up and carrying me to the ocean. He set me down when he was up to his waist. He placed his hands above my hips and I put my arms around his stomach.

"Is there a reason why you wanted me in the water so bad?" I asked moving my arms around his neck. He smiled and shook his head. I laughed and pushed some of his hair back. Harry began walking forward and we got deeper into the water. He stopped then pushed the hair that was blowing in my face from the wind away. I smiled and leaned closer to kiss him.

"Harry!!" Louis yelled. Harry looked over and Louis was dragging Eleanor to the ocean. Paul was not far behind and looking tired as ever. I chuckled and rested my head on Harry's wet, muscled, bare chest. My hands had a mind of their own and traveled down to his abs, Harry quietly moaned. My arms then snaked around his torso.

Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam all swam to us. I looked up to Harry. He shook his head knowing what I was going to do next.

"I'll be over by the girls." I smiled. He shook his head again. I laughed and kissed his cheek. I swam past the boys and to Eleanor, Perrie, and Dani.

"Seriously?" Dani asked Eleanor.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"El seen this shop when Lou and her walked around to get here." I gave Eleanor a look.

"So she says. Walking through down to window shop before coming to the beach. Thats what Zayn says all the time when we are late with meeting friends." Perrie said winking. We all laughed.

"Lou wanted to go see what kind of shops they had here."

"Sure." Dani said.

"Anyways I seen this really cool bathing suit shop that we should go to."

"Yeah, we should. Cause I don't know if you have seen my bathing suit collection, but they are not at all close to cute." Dani said and we laughed. I felt someone grab my ankle and looked down, knowing it was one of the boys. When they let go I rolled my eyes.

"What?" Perrie asked me.

"One of the guys trying to- holy crap." I said and put my hand to my chest. The girls screamed in fear. Harry had popped up in front me while I was talking. He chuckled and placed his hands back above my hips.

"Don't scare me like that."

"You're a horrible person!" Eleanor said. He pouted to her.

"Will you come make a sand castle with me?" Harry asked.

"I was in a conversation, babe. I will later." I smiled.


"Stop talking." Liam said. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Please." He begged.

"Haz, let me finished talking with-"

"If you don't I will go under water and not come up."

"Harry," He inhaled some air and then went under water. I felt his legs and arms wrap around my legs.

"Did he really just do that?" Dani asked. I sighed and put my hands on his hair.

"Harry," I said, I know he could hear me, he tightened his grip.

"He's not kidding." Perrie said.

"What?" Niall asked.

"Harry wanted Belle to come make a sandcastle with him and she said no because she wanted to finish the conversation with us." Eleanor started.

"Then he told her he was going to hold his breath under water until she said yes." Perrie finished. I groaned and went underwater. I put my hands on his arm and pulled him up. He was breathless as he surfaced.

"Fine." I said. He smiled and grabbed my hand, running out of the water.

"They are so cute." Dani laughed.

After many hours of sitting in the hot sun, making sandcastles, swimming, and having splashing wars we all decided to go to dinner.

When I was completely dry I put my shirt and shorts on over my suit. I put my beach bag over my shoulder and Harry grabbed my hand.

"I love you!!" Logan said as we sat down at our table outside the restaurant. The night was cool and it was pretty out.

"I already knew that." I said placing my bag by my feet. Perrie said next to me.

"That girl is totally into me."

"You're going to leave me alone while you flirt with that girl?" Niall asked. "What about us hanging out."

"I'm not leaving you, dude."

"You better not, or else I'm the ninth wheel." Niall pouted. As we waited for our food the girls talked as we were spread out around the table and the guys talked. Harry nudged me. I turned to him and he pointed to his mouth.

"Liam," I sighed. Liam looked up to me. "Tell Harry what will happen if he speaks too much."

"If you keep talking you won't get better. If you don't get better you will have to lip sync when we have our up coming concerts- I don't think you want that." Harry shook his head.

"THEN NO TALKING!" The four boys yelled. He slumped down in his chair. I moved my chair over and placed my hand on his knee. He picked my hand up with his two hands and played with my fingers. I smiled to him and he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

The waiter finally came to us. He was a cute guy, but Harry was defiantly the most attractive. The guy had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. His muscles were shown through his tight black shirt. His skin tone was darker, probably from all the sun that hits him. He looks like the surfer type.

I looked to the girls and I wasn't the only one checking him out. The waiter smiled to us girls.

"What can I get for you?" The boys quickly gave off their orders, even Harry. I sighed and looked at him. He shrugged and went back to being interested in my fingers. Then us girls gave him our orders. He smiled and then left.

"Did you see those biceps?" Perrie sighed. At the same time it seemed like us girls had put one of our elbows on the table and rested our head on our hand as we watched him walk away.

"Excuse me?" Zayn asked. Us girls turned to him. "Look at mine." Perrie smiled and kissed him.

"Yours are much better, sweetie." I turned to Harry, who was staring at me.

"I am going to keep talking unless you stop checking out other guys." I suddenly felt guilty. He must've seen it in my eyes, he leaned forward to me and put his hands on my waist.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine.

"Don't let it happen again."

"I really am, Haz." He smiled an adorable half smile that made my heart flutter. He kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand in his.

"I forgive you." He croaked. I moved our hands into my lap. I looked up from his soft skin and seen Logan watching me carefully. I smiled, letting him know I was okay.

I sat back and listened to the table's conversation about what we should do after dinner. When our food had came Harry had immediately sat up and dug into his food. I grabbed his hand that held his fork. He looked up to me with his beautiful big green eyes.

"Slow down." He stared into my eyes for a few seconds and then nodded. He then went back to his food.

"You have been quiet." Zayn said as we walked down the streets of Sydney. Harry had gone into a little store for something and had Zayn stay with me, even though Xavier was with us.

"I don't know- I just feel a little bad." We sat down at a bench.

"For?" I sighed.

"At dinner- when us girls were checking out our waiter. I looked at Harry and he looked a little hurt. I feel horrible about it. I apologized and he said it was okay, but I know it wasn't. I mean if he was checking out a girl I wouldn't like it- so I know." I rambled on. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"He doesn't seem affected by it." I shrugged. "If you're that worried about it, make it up to him." I turned my head to him. "You know exactly what I mean."

"I know what your talking about, Z." I laughed.

"You shouldn't be so worried about it though. He knows you meant no harm." I looked up to see Harry heading over to us.

"Everyone is at the hotel." I said.

"Yeah, we all want to go to a movie." Zayn replied. Harry smiled at me and grabbed my hand. He curiously looked between Zayn and I. Zayn chuckled as he began walking.

"Are you two coming with us?" Niall asked Harry and I as we sat on the couch.

"No, sorry." Harry smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Don't be. Plenty of time to spend with us." I smiled and then Logan kissed my head.

"You okay?" He whispered. I nodded. He smiled and walked off with Niall.

"Have fun." Perrie and Zayn called out as they left. I rolled my eyes.

"Charlie go with them. Paul will need some help and they have the whole group. You too Xavier." He gave me a weird look.

"Sorry Princess. Can't do that. It's my job to protect you." Xavier said.

"I'm with Harry. I'll be fine- you know that." He watched us carefully then nodded.

"Call me if anything happens." I nodded. He left and locked the door behind him. I looked to Harry and he gave me a look. I took him by surprise and I climbed into his lap.

"What's wrong?" He asked pushing the loose strands that didn't fit into my elastic.

"I just feel bad about earlier."


"When I was checking out that waiter. I know I shouldn't be this worried about it, but I want you to know that your the only one I want and that my eyes will be on." He chuckled. "What?"

"It's so cute how you are so worried about it." His voice was barely above a whisper now. "I told you it was fine."

"But you don't mean it. I know I'd be pissed if I found your eyes wandering on a more attractive girl-" Harry cut me off by sweetly and gently pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Don't finish that. Because no girl will ever compare to you, Belle." I tried to say something, but he placed his finger on my lips. "Yeah I was pissed about it, but I got over it." I pressed my forehead to his.

"I'm sorry." I said and ran my fingers through his soft hair, he kissed me. Our lips moved in sync then he kicked up the level a bit. He scooted forward and then stood up, making sure to hold me so I didn't fall. He walked down the hall to our room. Even though no one was here he shut and locked our door. Harry carefully laid me on the bed and got over me.

"And to think you thought we couldn't work out on the trip." He chuckled and kissed me again.

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