Silent (Ziall)

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Hello people. So this is a new story. It's a Ziall story! They are just too cute!! I really hope this is different from other stories with similar plots. But anyway, here it is. Vote and Comment! Silv xx


Day 451.

It's been another day diary where I haven't said a word. Nobody is actually worth even trying to talk to anymore. And even though I established that quite a while ago, I guess it's just been at the back of my mind a lot more recently. You know, when everything first happened and I tried to talk to people about it they would always say, 'Oh, it's ok, we know how you feel.' But they don't! Because they never had something like this happen to them! They aren't murderers! They are not the ones to blame for someones death! They just don't understand the guilt and the pain.

I still don't understand though. Why do I have to have this black cloud over my head? Why am I the one with all this unwanted weight on my shoulders? I've always been kind to people and ate all my dinner and I always returned whatever I borrowed from others and I never let anyone pay for me! I was always kind and friendly and what most people used to say innocent.

Is this a sort of punishment? For being who I am? For not going to church every Sunday? Is this my punishment because I'm not following what the bible says or not believing that what I am is wrong? Because if it is, then I don't like it. Actually I hate it! But who ever is punishing me is probably learning something right now. That I am not someone to mess with because we have both seen what happens! This punishment is ruining my life but I'm going to show them all that I can ruin there' lives to.

Talk tomorrow, Bye.

I closed my diary and opened the second draw of my light oak desk and gently placed it in the draw. I sighed as I span around on my desk chair, watching my room become a blur.

"Niall,honey! Can you get dressed please? We're going out." my mum called from downstairs.

I didn't reply, why would I? She doesn't understand. I got up from the chair and walked over to my wardrobe, I grabbed a pair of jeans and a blue polo shirt and my Supras. After getting dressed and doing my hair, I left my safe bedroom and walked downstairs and into the kitchen where my mum was.

"Lovely, you're ready. Come on then." She smiled as she grabbed her keys and straightened her black pencil skirt out which she paired with a white button up blouse and a pair of black heels. I thought it was weird that she was so dressed up.

I followed her outside and we got in the car as pulled out of our drive way. Since I stopped talking she always put on the radio in the car just to fill the silence. Before, the minute I used to sit in the car I would start talking about everything and anything until we got to our destination but now I just stare out the window, wondering where we are going since I won't even ask.

We must have been driving for about twenty minutes when we finally parked into a big car park next to this building. We got out the car and my mum smiled at me as she started walking towards the white, tall building. I just sighed as I followed behind her, listening to the sound that my mums high heels were making. We walked through the automatic doors, to see a very modern reception, the furniture was all grey and the walls were white with grey patterns and colourful, modern art, broke the monotone of the grey and white.

We walked up to the reception and my mum started talking to the women there. I didn't really listen to the conversation, I was too busy looking at a piece of art.

"Come on Niall. Let's go." My mum said as she walked towards the lift.

We walked out of the lift on the fifth floor where there was a little sitting area the same colour scheme like the reception and just a plain grey door with a paper stuck on it which said 'Mrs Cole'. I just sat next to my mum and we waited. Finally the door opened and out walked a tall woman, in her late thirties, dressed in a black suit with long black hair and thin, red framed glasses.

"Mrs Horan?" She asked, smiling at the both of us and my mum replied as she got up and walked towards the woman. The woman smiled and walked back in her office. My mum was about to walked in but stopped at the door and looked at me.

"Come on then sweetie." She said and I followed her in.

We sat down once again on these brown armchairs and I looked around the room at the light blue wallpaper and the wooden floor, from the paintings of the country and sea side hanging on the walls and even the plants which were in the corner of the room.

"So Niall, I've been told that you don't talk." Mrs Cole said and my head quickly snapped at her direction. She gave me a sweet little smile and I just shrugged.

Great so now I'm even being dragged to see a fucking psychologist? There's no need for me to be here. I stopped talking for my own reasons and everyone should just deal with it!

"I was also told that it's been over a year. Any reason for that?"

I shrugged again as I directed my attention to a painting of the sunset.

"Niall, this isn't healthy. If you don't talk, you're going to ruin your life. You can't keep everything bottled up inside you Niall. It's a bad thing to do."

I just ignored her this time and I heard her sigh. "Are you depressed?" Ignore. "Scared?" Ignore. "Lonely?" Ignore. "Are you feeling guilty about something?" I felt my whole body just freeze the minute she said that. I wonder if she realised that. "So you do feel guilty about something. What is it Niall, you can tell me, you can tell your mum. We are here for you!"

I just ignored her again and she sighed once again.

"Ok Mrs Horan, I have an idea. I have this lad that I have helped before and is perfectly fine now. He's helped me out with two more patients of mine who wouldn't talk and successfully got them talking again. So I'm thinking of asking him to help with Niall. Basically he will hang out with Niall and hopefully all turns out right."

Great now I need to spend my time with a stranger.

"Well, let's give it a go." My mum said enthusiastically.

"Lovely, his name is Zayn Malik and he's 19. A year older from Niall. I will talk to Zayn and then send you an email, of when and where the two of them can meet."

"I really hope he can help Niall." My mum said and I could feel her gaze on me.

"I'm sure he will." Mrs Cole answered happily.

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