Chapter 5

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My mum woke me up with the most concerned look on her face. Her eyes were full of worry as she shook my shoulder once more to make sure I was fully awake. She sat down next to on the step I had fallen asleep on and stared at me.

"What happened? Where's Zayn?" She asked softly as she looked at my tear stained cheeks.

I shrugged as I wiped a new tear away quickly and sighed to myself as I buried my head in my hands. Images flashed through my head as I thought back to what just happened. I felt my mum rub my back soothingly as I lifted my head to look at her. I kissed her cheek and smiled warmly at her, hoping she would realize how much I love her.

"I love you too, baby." She whispered, as she stood up dusting off her skirt. "Now come on, let's get you to bed." She helped me up and holding my hand she dragged me up to my room. After stripping off I crawled under the covers and my mum kissed the top of my head.

"Night baby and I'm sorry for whatever happened tonight." She smiled sadly as she stroked my head and then left, closing the door behind her.

Yeah, me to. 

I finally managed to fall asleep after crying for another ten minutes. I woke up in the morning and slowly got out of bed, heading into my bathroom and having a shower. I soon got out and got changed wearing black jeans, white converse and a navy blue top. I sat down on my desk chair and span around a couple of times until I started to get dizzy and then I stopped. I stared at my diary and opened it, turning the pages which were filled with so much pain until I stopped on an empty page. I grabbed my pen and sighed as I began to write.

Day 456

Dear Diary, 

Last night, was a night full of drama. Who knew that I had room for even more drama and pain in my life. I just snapped, I broke down in front of Zayn after things kind of went out of control. Things started to happen which reminded me of the past and all those memories, they just, they just fogged my mind. It was the only thing I could think of, the banging, the yelling, the hitting, the sharp glass surrounding my body, the blood staining the carpet beneath me. It all seemed so real again, it's like I was back there, going through it all again.

And that's when I did it. After a year I finally spoke again. More like screamed and sobbed but I still formed words, I still heard my groggy voice and so did Zayn. He heard every single word which slipped through my lips. Then the unexpected happened. He kissed me. I don't know why. I believe it was just the moment. I was upset and he didn't know what to do so he kissed me. There's no way he likes me, nobody can love me, I'm broken in more ways than one.

I can't help but feel sad that Zayn left after he kissed me, I don't know if I felt anything, I don't know if Zayn did, all I remember is how confused I was that it was actually happening but now I don't know what to do. Do I text Zayn or call him, it's not like I'm going to talk. Not again anyway. I'm so lost right now, I need to figure everything out.

Talk tomorrow, Bye.

I closed my diary and placed it in the draw and then left the house making my way towards the bus stop. As i made my way towards the bus stop, I stared at my phone and sighed. I scrolled through the contact list and stopped when I read Zayns name. I just stared at his name for a while debating on whether I should call him or not. All I wanted to know was if he was going to answer me or not and if he did what would he say to me. Did he regret it? Was he just scared?

I finally found the courage to hit call as I sat down on the bench and waited patiently for the bus. I slowly brought the phone up to my ear and counted the rings that I heard. When I thought he answered, I just realized that it went to voice mail and I sighed as his voice rang in my ear.

"Hi there, it's Zayn! I'm probably busy right now and that's why I'm not answering, or who knows I could just be asleep but anyway leave a message. Thanks."

"Zayn." I whispered "It's Niall, please call me." I quickly ended the call and cursed myself for uttering another word when I said I wouldn't. The bus never came or it was late but I ended up walking to school. I knew I was going to be late but I didn't care all I could think about was Zayn anyway. Zayn, Zayn, Zayn! I couldn't get him out of my head.

When I was getting closer to school all I could hear was a lot of talking. It sounded like people were panicking and confused. I picked up my pace and when I turned the corner I saw the most shocking thing. The whole school had collapsed. I just stood there and stared at it until I heard my name being called and I turned around to see Liam, Louis and Harry.

"Niall! We've been looking for you. Are you ok?" Liam asked. I just nodded as I pointed at the the building behind me.

"We've been told that someone set fire to the school last night and it collapsed this morning. We didn't know until we got here." Liam said as he looked around.

I just turned around again and stared at the school, wondering who would of done something like this.

"Hey Niall, do you want to go to Zayns?" Harry asked and I just shook my head.

"Aw, why not? I'm sure he will be happy to see you." Louis said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

No he wouldn't. I just shook my head again as I waved bye to them and started to walk home. There was nothing better to do and since the school had to be rebuilt again, I guess we were having a very long school break. As I was walking home my phone buzzed in my pocket and I got it to see I had a message.

From Zayn:

I'm sorry Ni. I think we need to take a little break. Maybe a couple of weeks. I'll text you soon though. ~ Z xox

That was it. Zayn had finally given up on me. The only person who I thought actually cared enough to try as hard as he can and do everything he possible could, has given up on me just like everybody else has. I knew it was bound to happen, I knew he would realize that I'm a lost cause and he would just stop trying but for some reason knowing that Zayn gave up on me hurt more than it did when everybody else did.

A/N: So this is mostly a filler chapter. Boy do I hate filler chapters!! I find them harder to write so sorry if it sucks. Anywho do you guys think Zayn has actually given up on Niall and do you belive any of the other boys will try to help him now Zayn isn't?

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