Love At First Sight

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It was a school morning, Amelia and I were in front of the school, it wasn't really crowded there was only some year 7 girls, year 9 boys, there was also LUCAS ! You know... my HUMUNGOUS crush, there was also Jason the guy that I ONLY find cute and last of all there was ( UGH ) Brandon ( No Offence ), BTW Brandon is one of LUCAS stupid close friends.

Anyway, Amelia and I were playing this really useless game where she thinks of a number in her head and I just have to guess the number, if I guess it wrong then I have to take the number of steps back in a straight line no matter if I bump into someone or something.

Amelia said the number was 12 however I guessed 9 so I had to take 12 steps back, I was facing the automatic doors so I was heading towards the staff car park. While I was walking back, I ended up on the road, but what I didn't see is a car heading towards me, neither did the driver notice me, which was the school receptionist however she was looking for her glasses.

Then this boy, that I never seen before, was walking and then came running towards me, he grabbed my hand by saving me and I had fell into his arms.

We were gazing into each other's eyes, I was trembling, I was speechless, the only thing I said was "Oh My God..." and gulped.

He helped me up and we just stood there quiet until I noticed we were holding hands so I snapped out of it and muttered "Um...Thank you" he was giving me a cute yet charming smile, at that moment I felt like it was just me and him in the whole universe, I wasn't even thinking about LUCAS or JASON... just him....

But unfortunately Amelia had to end the wondrous moment by rushing over to me and yelling with shock if I was okay, I said bye to HIM and he mysteriously replied "see you around..."

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