How Can I Thank You?

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So yeah, he asked me what my name was, simple question isn't it.

UM NO! I'm... I'm freaking out, my mind keeps questioning, "WHATS MY NAME?! WHATS MY NAME?! WHATS MY NAME?!!?!??!?!?!"

Aria had a puzzled look on her face as if there was a cotton candy machine in a toilet... yeah, I know, made no sense but oh well.

Anyway, luckily Aria saved me by butting in and yelling, "APRIL!... Her name is April." "Um, yes its April... I just couldn't hear you over Mr Bradshaw's loud voice" I lied. KAI did a cute chuckle and sweetly said, "APRIL. I like it, its simple, its unique., its COOL." OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's EXACTLY what I said about his name, well except the 'COOL' part, but still. ITS OBVIOUS WE'RE MENT TO BE!! (cough) wow, I really need to calm down, yeah, sorry about that I never, not once in my life acted this way. Okay I'm going to stop now.

Anyway, I carried on my conversation with KAI, I asked him, "How can I thank you?" I was waiting for an answer he was just sitting there thinking. And then it hit HIM, well not literally but you know what I mean.

He was about to say it but then I stopped HIM, "Don't take it the wrong way or anything..." I said to HIM," but like, my good friend Aria over here needs to STOP EAVESDROPPING!" Aria slowly turned round and carried on with her work but she gave me the look, you know the look when someone thinks you like someone and you act as if you have no clue what they mean but you really do... come on, I know you've done that... (You can trust me) ;) ;)

Anyway I apologized and asked KAI to carry on, and so he did. "You can thank me by-

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