Chapter: 7

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Chapter 7

"She's going to die?" I said. I started to walk around nervously, it was my fault and I couldn't do anything to help her.

"I'm a White Witch, isn't there something I can do to help her? Like a spell or potion?" I asked Matt.

"I don't know. We have to bring her to my trainer, if you want to try and save her." He said.

I walked back over to Melody who was just staring at the blue sky. I lifted her up and put my arms around her to help her walk. Matt started to walk near a bus station, so I followed him. He got three one way bus tickets.

"I put a spell on Melody so no one can see what she really looks like. To everyone else she looks like a normal human" he said.

The bus ride took about 15 minutes. We finally arrived at an old abandoned apartment.

"Well this place looks like a dump" I said glumly.

I looked around the building everything looked ancient and the furniture was stacked with cob webs and white sheets.

"He's up stairs" Matt said.

We went up the narrow spiral stairs and found ourselves in a large open room filled with books.

"Leo!!! It's me Matt" Matt yelled. No response.

"I guess he isn't here right now, put Melody down over there on the couch" he said. I pointed to the couch and directed Melody to sit down. I went over to Matt, who was looking through documents on a desk.

"So where's this trainer guy?" I asked him.

"Not here. He'll be back soon" he said.

I felt bad to drag him into this mess I created, I mean he doesn't even know Melody. I don't think he gives a crap if she dies.

"Matt...." I started to say.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I dragged you into my problem. I should be glad that your helping me" I said to him.

"No Scarlett, it's fine I want to be here with you. Even though I don't really know Melody, I know how much she means to you" he said softly.

His voice soothed me, and calmed me down.

"Cheer up Scarlett it's Friday we'll get past this and soon it will be Saturday" he said.

"I know. I'm just worried that we'll make it past without Melody. I've known her for half my life, she's always been there, she never did anything to hurt me" I said.

"And if she does die what does that make me? A murderer?" I said.

He didn't speak he came forward and put his arms around me, he was taller than I was so my head rest against his chest where I heard the pounding of his heart.

"I don't know who to trust. Everyone I've trusted turned out to be a monster" I said.

"You can trust me. I promise I will never turn my back on you" he said to me, still hugging me.

Then I heard the sound of keys opening a door. in came a man with thin red hair and tanned skin.

"Well, what a surprise. New guests Mathious?" Spoke the man.

Matt nodded.

"I'm so rude, sorry. My name is Leo I'm Mathious's trainer" Leo said.

"They know" Matt said.

There was an awkward tension so I spoke.

"I'm Scarlett, a witch. Well in training I only found out I was a witch 3 days ago" I said.

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