The signs as flirting from Hamilton

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Aries: "My dearest, Angelica"

Taurus: "I think your pants look hot"

Gemini: "If it takes fighting a war for us to meet it will have been worth it."

Cancer: "My Alexander.... Don't forget to write..."

Leo: "I'm a trust fund, baby you can trust me."

Virgo: "You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied."

Libra: "I'm about to change your life..."

Scorpio: "Then by all means lead the way."

Sagittarius: "My life is going fine cuz Eliza's in it..."

Capricorn: "Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit."

Aquarius: "Down for the count and I'm drowning in em"

Pisces: "STAYYYYY"

The Signs as Things From Hamilton Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora