Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:



Ugh. I hate alarm clocks so much. Well, maybe not so much alarm clocks themselves, but the fact that I have to get up early... I slam my hand on the snooze button, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep in before I have to get up and start getting ready.

I'm Maddy, a 17 year old Senior. I just moved from LA, California to London, England because my dad had a job transfer. And honestly, I don't even know what he does. But it must be pretty important with the amount of money he gets paid.. My dad makes so much, my mom hasn't had to work since I was born. Lucky her. My mom and I don't have a really good relationship. She just seems to have higher priorities than me and it's always been that way to me. She would rather go out with her friends, go spend all day with my grandmother or just sit on her phone and watch tv than do anything with me. Not that I care though, I stopped wanting attention from her when I turned 10...  We moved here almost a month ago and I am still trying to get use to things. Like how they say "mum" instead of "mom" and how a shopping cart is a "trolley". And I still forget to call french fries "chips" and to call chips "crisps". I will get it sooner or later, I hope. 

Today is my first day of school. I am extremely nervous. I am a senior, or as they say here, I'm in "year 12". I don't know what's worse, the fact that I am going to be a complete loner the beginning of my senior year or the fact that I am EXTREMELY shy and probably won't even attempt to try and make friends. Back home, I had a small group of friends. I would make one friend and slowly become friends with her friends and that's about it. It's not that I'm mean or rude, I'm just don't put myself out there. But I'll warn you, once you get to know me, I am not quiet at all. I like to be loud and crack jokes, just not with people I don't know.

My alarm goes off again, but this time I switch it off and drag the blankets off of myself. It's so cold here. And the sun's never out. More things I have to get use to. I'm dreading the day it starts snowing, which could be any day now I guess. I hate, and I mean HATE wearing jeans. I think I only own one pair. If it got cold back home, I'd wear sweat pants. On the other hand, I love wearing sweaters. I wear them all the time, which people back home thought was weird but not so much here.

I plant my feet onto the floor, suddenly getting a chill run through my body. Why did we have to get a house that had all hard wood and tile? What's wrong with warm, soft carpet? Anyway, I scurry into my bathroom and immediately turn on the hot water. I peel my clothes off and step in. The warm, steamy water runs over my skin and I begin to relax. I do my typical shower routine and am soon finished. I switch the water off and step out. My body gets engulfed by the cold air before I could wrap a towel around myself and I get goosebumps. Maybe if I didn't take such hot showers, it wouldn't be that bad, but I can't help it. I am a "as hot as I can handle it" shower taker. 

I go into my room and pick out my first-day clothes. I pick put a Top Shop sweater and a pair of jeans I had ordered online. I really hope they fit because I forgot to try them on and I'd be screwed if they didn't. 

Luckily they did. I towel dried my hair as my straightener warmed up and after I was done with my hair, I tackled my make-up. I had been wearing it since 6th grade (or year 6?) and I just couldn't go anywhere without it. I steadily apply my liquid eye-liner to my top lid and quickly run the pencil over my bottom. I apply mascara to my top eyelashes (and I can do that without having my mouth hanging open like an idiot - an ability I'm quite proud of) and I'm good to go. I put some deodorant on and coat my body in my signature scent, Bath & Body Works' "Pink Chiffon" and walk out the door. I grab my backpack from my chair and jog down the stairs, hoping my school doesn't have any or if they do, I wouldn't have to use them because I am not an athletic person and get enough of them at home. My mother's still asleep and my dad had already left for work so I guess it's breakfast for one. But as I glance at the clock over the stove, I see that I'm running a little late and that the bus will arrive in minutes so I pop a piece of bread into the toaster and impatiently hop back and forth, trying to prepare myself for what was yet to happen later in the day. The toast pops up, making me jump as usual, and I grab it, momentarily burning myself in the process. I shove the food in my mouth -very attractive and lady-like, I know- and run out the door... Right as the school bus pulls away.

Ugh. Just my luck. It's not fair.


Did you see what I did just then? Including the title in the story? Yeah, I'm a genius.

Okay so, I will actually try to post another chapter or two today because it's the beginning and have to make you want to read more, yeah? 

Anyways, I hope you like it so far and don't forget to vote, comment, and fan me so you'll be notified right away when I update! 

Thanks! And stay beautiful! <3

It's Not Fair - A Louis Tomlinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now