Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:


Ugh. Just my luck. It's not fair


I pull my phone out of my pocket and unlock it. I go to the "Maps" app and type in the name of my new school. According to the directions, it's only 2 blocks away. I groan and begin walking.

The cold air hits me repeatedly in the face. I highly doubt I'll ever get use to this English weather. I'm use to sun shine and humidity. Not this overcast, rainy, chilly weather. I wish I'd wore a scarf or something to cover up my neck, getting colder by the second. 

I keep walking, staring at the ground and occasionally looking at my phone, making sure I'm still going the right way. Soon enough, I am in front of the school. It's a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be. And it's 3 stories. Stairs. Greatttt.

I walk through the big doors and towards a sign that says "Office". The oldish lady sitting behind the desk is really into a conversation on the phone, and I have to clear my throat a few times before she notices me. 

"Oh, Anne, I have to call you back. Alright. Bye." She says and hangs up the phone. 

"Hi, I'm Maddy. I'm new here." I say, smiling. I always smile while talking to strangers. My voice also goes high, something I can't control.

"Hello Maddy, welcome. Can I have a last name?" She smiles back. 

"Jones. Maddy Jones. 12th grad- I mean year 12," I reply.

She types something into her computer and the printer begins to buzz. She walks over to it, picking up the freshly printed papers and some from a stack on another table. She hands me the pile of papers, explaining what each one is. My schedule, a school map, my locker and the combination to it, my student number, and some other typical paperwork. I sign and date where it's needed, barely skimming over the words. 

I hand the papers back and she wishes me good luck. Is it really that noticeable that I'm this nervous or is she just being friendly? I don't know but the bell rings so I look down at my schedule to see what my first class is. Physics. Great. I look at the map and make my way through the large groups of students towards the science wing.

I glance up at the sing on the door. 16-102. This is it. I take a deep breath and push the door open. There are only 3 other people sitting in the room, am I early? The teacher, Mrs. Brown looks up and smiles at me. 

"Sit anywhere you'd like, dear," she says. 

I smile and nod, walking over to the row of lab tables next to the windows. I don't like to sit in the front, but I am not a fan of sitting in the back either so I sit in the middle. I set my bag on the floor next to me and look over my classes as people slowly fill in. I look up and smile as each person walks in, hoping they'll come and sit next to me but it seems they all know each other and avoid me altogether. 

The late bell final rings, and by then I had given up hope that I'd have someone to come and sit next to me. I huff and get ready to hear the typical first-day speech you hear multiple times the first day every year. 

Mrs. Brown begins by welcoming us to physics and introducing herself. I quickly lose interest and start messing with my pencil. Then the door opens and Mrs. Brown stops talking. 

"Ah, Mr. Tomlinson. Nice of you to decide to join us. Please take a seat. And try to arrive on time from now on, yeah?" She says.

I look up to see a tall, brown haired, blue/green-ish eyed boy standing in the door way. He grins and looks around. I can't help but notice the girls start to fix their hair and sit up straighter as the boy walks past.

It's Not Fair - A Louis Tomlinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now